6 April 2020

Image of Hello Year 4/5s!

Hello to my Year 4/5s

I hope you and your family are well. I know you must be feeling a little fed up not being allowed to do your normal routines but I want to reassure you that everyone feels this way too! However what might help if you haven’t done so already would be to organise and structure your day. It’s really important to get yourself in some sort of routine, even doing a little bit of work can be a little daunting at first but once you start you will enjoy getting things done.  I must admit even as a teacher it’s difficult to get yourself into a routine but I promise you will feel a lot better once you do so. My family start their day with daily Joe Wicks workouts and I have to say it does get very competitive!  How do you start your day?

This week it is Holy Week and would have been when the Year 4 children would have taken part in the Easter Service. I know how excited the Year 4s in my class were when they received their parts and I was so impressed with the commitment shown when learning their lines at home. I only wish we could be performing it! In class, we would have been watching the Easter Story called the Miracle Maker. You can still watch this version on YouTube. 

This year you have worked so hard in all your subjects. I have been particulary impressed with how your handwriting has improved. This is something you all could definitely keep working on especially if you want to achieve the much desired pen contract! Remember to keep your handwriting on the line, it’s not taking off like a plane ✈️ on Manchester runway!

I think you all know what subject I would like you to keep practising just a little bit everyday.... Yes that’s right your Maths! Since September we have practised and practised our times tables and taken part in daily challenges that keep our times tables sharp. Even if you are the best times tabler in the world it is still very important to keep going over them. You can do this using Times Tables Rockstars and even battle each other! I am up for the challenge too, let the battle commence! The Active Learn website is just as good for playing games and I have not only included mastery challenges but also fluency fitness and problem solving activities. Mrs Jackson has also put  work and more shape and space games to keep you busy. We both have been impressed with the number of children working through these. Your names pop up on our screens to let us know who has logged on. So well done if you have done this already! You might have already seen that White Rose Maths has included great videos and activities that you can use. They update their activities every week and I think they are really helpful. The answers are included so you can mark your work after and see how well you have done.

I know in my household, books that my children got for birthdays and christmas’s have been dusted off and have started to be read. Charlie has discovered how good the Percy Jackson books are! Just think how impressed and delighted Mrs Barlow will be, if you continue with your reading. Maybe you have found lots of books to read to keep you busy already!  Obviously doing a little bit of work is important everyday but it is also important to do things you enjoy or learn something you wouldn’t normally do. This week, I will be trying to .......

Posted by Mrs Atherton

Category: Year 4/5D