Unfortunately and after 8 fantastic years the playgroup will no longer take place. As the school grows we are in desperate need of the teaching space and cannot accommodate the group. We will endeavor to find a new and suitable venue but in the meantime we would all like to offer our sincere and heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers over the years who made it such a success. Thank you. 



The playgroup has been running since January2008, it caters for ages 0-5 and we provide a variety of play and activities for babies and toddlers. We have story time and a little singing too in which parents and carers are welcome to join in with their children.

The playgroup runs weekly during term time every Monday from 9am to 11 am in St Hugh of Lincoln school hall and costs £1.50 per child, each sibling is 50p thereafter.

The playgroup offers a very friendly and relaxed environment with tea and coffee for adults along with drinks and snacks available for the children.

Everyone is welcome and we look forward to seeing you there.

Sainbury's in Urmston have very kindly donated £250 to the Playgroup.
The cheque was presented by store manager Matthew Kershaw.
Thank you Sainsbury's!

Here are some of our lucky children playing with the equipment we bought using the money from Sainsbury's.