We love our music lessons with Mrs Ali. Today we were listening carefully to music to identify long notes.
Category: Year 1/2S - Mrs Smith
Making Pizzas!
Year 1/2 enjoyed making pizzas today as part of their design technology work. The children planned the shape of their pizza and the toppings. We had hearts, spiders, rabbits and stars! Well done to all the children. We hope you enjoyed your pizzas!
Category: Year 1/2S - Mrs Smith
World Book Day
We’ve had a great day celebrating World Book Day with young author, Rico Hinson King. He talked about his two amazing books and answered lots of questions. Illustrator Nick Sharratt sent us a video showing us how to draw Charlie, the main character in Rico’s books. All the children looked…
Category: Year 1/2S - Mrs Smith
Mason and Matthew led our collective worship today. In the reading from Luke’s gospel Jesus tells us ‘love God with all your heart.’ We reflected on ways that we could do this.
Category: Year 1/2S - Mrs Smith
Looking for Micro-Habitats
In science we talked about what micro-habitats are and then we went to look for some in our school grounds. We found leaf litter, stones, puddles and holes in trees.
Category: Year 1/2S - Mrs Smith
Diamond Ranking in History
Why did the Wright Brothers succeed where others had failed?
We read possible reasons and ranked them in order of importance. We didn’t all agree so explaining our choices was very important!
Category: Year 1/2S - Mrs Smith
Exploring The Jubilee Logo
Together we explored the different parts of the Jubilee logo. Then, in groups we matched each image to its meaning.
Category: Year 1/2S - Mrs Smith
How Can We Be a Light to Others?
In Luke’s Gospel Simeon describes Jesus as a light. We thought of ways in which we could be a light to others.
Category: Year 1/2S - Mrs Smith
Lunar New Year
Thank you to Zachary and Mason for showing us their traditional dancing and costume.
Category: Year 1/2S - Mrs Smith
Computing: Creating Bee Bot Mats and Algorithms
We enjoyed creating our own mats and testing out our algorithms!
Category: Year 1/2S - Mrs Smith