School Uniform


St Hugh of Lincoln does have an approved uniform and we ask parents to co-operate with us in ensuring that children wear school uniform.  All clothing must be marked with the child’s full name.  Uniforms can be purchased at a variety of outlets including Monkhouse, Arndale Centre, Stretford and polo shirts/sweatshirts can be purchased through the school office. 


School Colours


The school colours are Maroon and Grey:


Uniform           Maroon V Neck Pullover / Cardigan 

                       White Shirt / Blouse

                       Grey Trousers or Skirt / Pinafore dress

                       School Ties – Maroon with white stripe

Black sensible shoes – No trainers (children may change into trainers for play time)


Summer:         Pink and White check summer dress

                        Short sleeved white shirt

                        Grey shorts

                        School Fleece


In the summer months, June to the end of September children can wear polo shirts with the school badge. 

PE Kit: Black shorts and school polo top with black pumps or training shoes and a maroon logo sweatshirt . On the day your child has PE they can come into school in their kit. 




We ask parents to please ensure that their children have appropriate hairstyles.  Extremes of hairstyles can cause problems within the school and the Head Teacher reserves the right to exclude a pupil who fails to conform to this.  We ask that no jewellery (including ear rings) should be worn in school, one stud in each ear is acceptable.  Children should not bring valuable items into school as responsibility cannot be accepted for them.  This includes cameras, video games, personal stereos, mobile phones etc.