School Return

As a school we teach the full age related curriculum. This will be continually reviewed as we assess gaps and areas for catch up. 


Religious Education

As a Catholic School, we promote and teach the doctrine and philosophy of the Catholic Church.

We follow the `Come and See, 'scheme of work. Through this we strive to ensure that the Christian values show themselves not only in the R.E. lessons but at all times. 

Our Catholic faith underpins every aspect of our curriculum and is at the centre of our learning.  Children are encouraged to Build God’s Kingdom and to become future leaders who are curious, have a thirst for knowledge and who relish the exciting learning opportunities of the 21st century. 


Life to the Full is a programme in Relationship and Health Education for Catholic primary schools throughout the UK. It is an entire platform of creative resources that will engage, inform and inspire our children. In addition, there is an online parent platform so that you, as parents and carers, can view the teaching materials, engage with the teaching and deepen the experience for your child. To access the online parent platform please speak to the school.  

We consult with parents regularly to ensure everyone has an awareness of any sensitive content. Please find the Year 6 Consultation Letter below. 

Year 6 Consultation Letter    

Curriculum Intent

Our school’s curriculum has undergone several changes in recent years. In 2014, the government introduced a new national curriculum and we have since reviewed and updated the content and organisation of our curriculum. The National Curriculum of 2014 detailed the learning objectives to be taught throughout Key Stages 1 and 2 with a strong emphasis on English and Mathematics. We continue to review our curriculum.

St Hugh of Lincoln offers a broad and balanced curriculum which delivers the National Curriculum and addresses the Catholic nature of the school. Subjects are taught according to the National Curriculum programmes of study and Key Skills in Key Stage 1 and 2 and through the EYFS framework in Nursery and Reception.  Following much research and analysis of our children and how they need to develop certain skills we adopted an enquiry based approach to the curriculum. This enables children to lead and teachers to facilitate the learning in all Key Stages in our school, from Nursery and Reception through to Year 6, which suits the needs of all our children.

We believe that our children deserve the very best start to their education so we ensure our EYFS team are able to deliver a welcoming environment that meets the needs of all learners and gives the children the foundation to flourish.  We make sure we establish lasting partnerships with our families who we recognise play an integral part in their child’s education.  Throughout the school we have high expectations and we offer a supportive environment in which to learn.  We encourage everyone to achieve their full potential and we celebrate success.  We make sure that the children have a broad learning experience with visits, music, sport and creative activities to enhance and enrich the curriculum. 


Balance of the Curriculum

Balance within the curriculum is largely about the attention given to each curriculum area including our core requirement of curriculum RE. It is fundamentally about time and how it is used. Curriculum planning inevitably involves a compromise in terms of time. What is required is the setting of a level of ‘reasonable time’ in order that the school can meet its statutory requirements. Thought has been given to the frequency of subjects taught, a consideration of whether some subjects can be taught in ‘blocks’ rather than appearing on the timetable every week and the needs of the our children in this part of Manchester. A further element was the overall sequence and progression given to each subject over the key stages. Teachers must be allowed sufficient time to teach and our children given sufficient time to learn.

In order for children to learn we believe that they need to be healthy and happy.  We encourage active children who care for themselves, each other and the environment.  We use the outdoors as a way of staying active and as an important, stimulating context for our learning.  We want the children to be proud of the area they live in and have high aspirations. Through strong community links and our supportive parish family we work in harmony to ensure the children grow together in appreciation of equality, individuality and love.

At St Hugh’s we also recognise the valuable contribution and positive impact of sport. Sport has a high profile and children are intentionally introduced to a huge variety of activities.  Traditional sports such as netball and football are complimented by cricket, skittleball, Gaelic football, cross country, tag rugby, judo, fencing, dance, gymnastics and skiing. Giving sport a focus across St Hugh’s has engaged many children including children with SEN.


Assessing and reviewing our Curriculum.


In September 2014, the DfE required maintained schools to adopt a new national curriculum. Frequent mini tests, assessments and regular analysis by the SLT and assessment lead give us a means of assessing children by recording against key knowledge. This, along with school to school comparisons, ensures the vast majority of our children are working at or above national expectations.

Subject and senior leaders continually monitor and review the curriculum and subjects being taught. The vast majority of staff training and CPD is focused on teaching and learning and the acquisition of key skills and knowledge by our children.


British Values

 St Hugh Of  Lincoln RC Primary, we uphold and teach pupils about British Values in accordance with the 2011 Prevent Strategy.  As a Catholic School we actively promote values, virtues and ethics that shape our pupil’s character and moral perspective.  This is done primarily through the teachings of the Church and gospel values. We are confident that, through these values our pupils will grow and develop  with the necessary awareness of what it means to be a good citizen in Britain today.


We hope to support and encourage all of the children in our school by promoting the fundamental British values of :


Rule of Law

Individual Liberty 

Mutual Respect 

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. 


British Values at St Hugh's

British Values Curriculum Overview

British Values Overview

British Values Statement


Beyond The Curriculum

The school offers a wide variety of interest to cater for the children’s needs and the following groups meet regularly – Caritas Ambassadors, Reading Ambassadors, Maths Ambassadors, Junior Online Safety Officers, Boys and Girls Football, Netball, Choir, Violin, Guitars, Skiing, Fencing, Performing Arts, Early Bird Readers, Coding, Mandarin, Art, Skateboarding, Futsal, Judo and Cross Country.

St Hugh’s run a Before and After School Club for children who attend St Hugh’s.  The club runs every day, term time from 8am until 8.55am and 3.15 pm – 5.15 pm.


Click here for information regarding the Multiplication Tables Check (Year 4)

Click here for information about the Phonics Reading Check in Year 1

Maths Overview of Calculations Policy

Times Tables Games and Strategies


If you require any further information about the curriculum please do not hesitate to contact Mr Smith or Mrs Atherton at the school.