9 April 2020

Image of Hello Year 5M

Hello Year 5!

I hope you are all safe and well. It feels like a long time since we were together and I’m very much looking forward to getting back to normal and being with you all again.

I’m sure you are all beginning to get used to the changes that have occurred. I’ll tell you about what my family and I have been doing:

In my house, we’ve gradually got into a bit of a routine. We start the day exercising with Joe Wicks (which we’re really enjoying) and then I help Lucinda with her lessons. These usually include maths activities and Times Tables Rockstars - she’s currently working on her 5 and 10 times tables. Then we have a break and move onto English. After lunch we do other activities like art or science. We are also making our own book about this unusual time, a bit like a diary. However, on sunny days we tend to spend much of our time outside in the garden!

I hope you are managing to complete some of the home learning tasks. Remember to visit Active Learn and play some of the games. I’ve also included some mastery checkpoints for you to try and, of course, don’t forget Times Tables Rockstars and Topmarks (Daily 10).

Make sure you keep reading as much as possible. Do you remember that we had started to read The Spider and the Fly poem by Mary Howitt? Maybe you could prepare a performance of this poem for your family. Also, keep practising your drawing skills. Have you drawn any portraits recently?

This is a very special time for us as it is Holy Week. Think about the special events this week. Perhaps write about the events from the point of view of one of the characters - for example Peter or a Roman soldier. 

I hope that you and your family have a lovely Easter! 

Take care of yourselves and stay safe

Love from Mrs Marshall and Mrs Blackwell





Posted by Mrs Marshall

Category: Year 5M