3 May 2020

Image of Hello Year 4/5

Hello everyone

How is it going? It’s been 7 weeks now and I bet you’ve all got taller since I last saw you. 

I was in school on Friday and went in to our classroom, it was so weird without you there but I know you all are well at home. It was lovely phoning around and speaking to you and your parents, listening to all the great things you have been doing. 

I heard that lots of you were using  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize to help with your home learning. It was good to hear that everyone can log in to Active Learn and have been using Times-table Rockstars. Some of you are still beating me on the times-tables battle, how are you managing to be so fast? I must practise more!


Last week it was so nice to see Luke, Harriet and Alexandra from our class in school. Harriet wrote a great poem as did Ethan about their family and I loved Alexandra’s art work that she tweeted to the school. Very impressive!  Luke and his brother brought in their volcano creation and we erupted it on the playground. Have you made your volcano yet? They made theirs out of loo rolls - great recycling boys!  

In my last blog I gave you a link to read Escape from Pompeii. Have you managed to do this? Or have you read any other books. Mrs Langford gave me a book to read and I started it last week. I must admit I found it difficult at first finding somewhere quiet in my house with two very noisy teenagers but so far it’s really good and I’m really enjoying reading. It’s always good when someone recommends a good book to read. Speaking about good recommendations Mrs Smith sent me a link with a book you could read ...  http://literacytrust.org.uk/family-zone/9-12/book-hopes/

Maybe you could send me some recommendations that I could put on the blog for next time I write to you. So if you have been reading or doing something really good please send it to me, you can do this via the school email/letter or tweet it to the school. Other children would love to hear what you are doing and so would I. 

I have been really busy having many important meetings this week but because we have to still social distance, the meetings have been online using the app Zoom. Have you used Zoom yet?

It was really nice to see Mr Mountcastle, Mr Smith and Mrs Smith and speak to them. Never did I think we would have to use zoom to have our meetings as we always used to have them at school. I also used zoom to speak to the lovely Mrs Barlow, she is really missing you and has written to you on our class blog. By the sounds of Mrs Barlow’s blog she has been fairly busy too and has been getting out and about on her bicycle for her daily exercise. How have you been exercising? I saw Alannah complete the star jump challenge on our school twitter account and she did 85 in one minute. WOW and a brilliant effort from her dad too! Excellent work the Bowes family!

Posted by Mrs Atherton

Category: Year 4/5D