13 May 2020

Good Morning 

We hope you are all staying safe and well.  We hope you have enjoyed this week’s learning all about Goldilocks And The Three Bears, the photographs of some super work have been wonderful to see! Well done!
We hope you have found the additional home learning posted on the school website useful, there are lots of activities we would have been doing in school but please don’t feel the need to complete them all.

On Sunday evening the government announced plans for the phased return of primary schools children, please be reassured we are working closely together with the government guidance and as a staff to produce a plan of how to keep us all safe. Mr Mountcastle will be in touch to discuss the next steps.


In the meantime please keep working hard, keep doing what you are doing, you are all doing an amazing job!

The daily phonics lessons from the DFE are fabulous, there are games, resources and activities on Phonics Play, many of which the children are familiar with. There are many additional games to play using supporting blending skills on the phase 4 section.

An Interactive Story Book


Sentence Substitution

Are some useful games to try.

Reading books can be sourced on OxfordOwl.co.uk and Collins.co.uk

Maths games can be found on Topmarks, Active Learn (you will need your child’s login) and there are some useful maths lessons on whiterosemaths.com


It has been wonderful to see how hard you have all been working on EEXAT but please don’t feel under any pressure to document the work.
It is far more important to work at your child’s pace and learning through play is a vital part of learning and development in the Early Years curriculum.

As always please contact us with any questions

Mrs Breen, Mrs Doherty and Mrs Neville

Posted by Mrs Birtles

Category: Reception