14 June 2020

Hi Y4,
Only me again! I hope you’re all continuing to stay safe and are still smiling as we enter another week of lockdown. Although things are looking up as the restrictions are slowly being lifted. I hope you’ve been able to get out and about a bit more.
The staff at school have been very busy getting everything ready for the year groups who are returning this week. I just wish it was our class coming back! I’m going to be teaching PE to each of the groups as we have had to split each class up to make smaller groups. I am excited about this as I’ll get to teach some year groups that I’ve never taught before, although I hope I don’t scare the Reception children! I’ll have to speak quietly!!
It was Mrs Smith’s birthday today (I won’t tell you how old she is) so I made her breakfast, dinner and a cake. Then next Saturday is our daughter’s 18th birthday so we’ve been very busy trying to sort things out for that because we can’t do most of the things we had planned. We are hoping to have a movie night in the garden on a big screen, I just hope it’s not raining. Have you had any celebrations that have changed because of lockdown?
How’s the home learning going? I have loved receiving your work and seeing your pictures. You can see some of the work Florence has been doing at the beginning of this blog. It makes me so proud to see how hard you are working, keep sending it in. Remember just keep doing as much as you can each day. Did you see the pictures of George’s new puppy Heidi - she is gorgeous. I bet she has kept George busy!
Have a great week, stay safe and keep smiling.
Lots of love Mr Smith and Mrs Walker xxx
Posted by Mr Smith
Category: Year 3K