10 July 2020

Hello Everyone,


We hope you are all well and have enjoyed this week’s home learning about The Gruffalo!
It has been wonderful to welcome some of you back into school, we have really missed you all so very much.


Next week we hope to be seeing many of you on Thursday, all of reception will be welcome to attend school for the day. We will keep the children in smaller groups following the government advice regarding keeping us all safe.

Mr Mountcastle will be sending out a questionnaire for you to confirm your attendance.


We will spend the day having lots of fun, it will be wonderful to see you all of again, we really cannot wait!

It has been a strange and challenging time, you have all worked so hard and we are so very proud of how hard you have worked. Well done!


We look forward to seeing you next Thursday.  Please contact us at school should you have any questions, remember we are here to help.

Lots of love

Mrs Breen, Mrs Doherty and Mrs Neville

Posted by Mrs Birtles

Category: Reception