Welcome Prayer Leaders

Image of Welcome Prayer Leaders

Today we welcomed our new Prayer Leaders into Reception.  We listened very carefully to how we can listen to God through our prayers and what we do.

Category: Reception


Our first wake up shake up !

Image of Our first wake up shake up !

Having a boogie !!! 

Category: Reception


We love our class !

Image of We love our class !

Category: Reception


Our new class !

Image of Our new class !

Look at all the fun we have been having in reception :) 

Category: Reception


Can we fix it?

Image of Can we fix it?

Yes we can! Our new workshop is coming on nicely! Children in the EYFS  will be able to use real hammers and tools when they come back after half term! 

Category: Reception


Our Outdoor Area!

Image of Our Outdoor Area!

Our outdoor area is looking really exciting!  We cannot wait to have a play after the holidays!

Category: Reception


Releasing Our Butterflies

Image of Releasing Our Butterflies

Today we released our butterflies we have taken care of in our butterfly garden. We have watched them grow and change from caterpillars into butterflies learning all about their life cycle.   We watched them fly away and hopefully will spot them around our school…

Category: Reception


Our Trip To Reddish Vale Farm

Image of Our Trip To Reddish Vale Farm

We had a wonderful day at Reddish Vale Farm! We saw so many different farm animals and got to feed them too!  We are looking forward to looking at all the photographs we took and using them for our sentence writing!

Category: Reception


Outdoor Play Learning!

Image of Outdoor Play Learning!

We were so excited when our new climbing log arrived today!  We all watched the big lorry and special crane lift the log onto our playground.  We cannot wait for it to be finished so we can climb and explore our fabulous outdoor learning space!

Category: Reception


Hail Mary

Image of Hail Mary

In our collective worship we have been thinking about Mary and the very special prayer we say "Hail Mary".  We have also sung a hymn to Mary; "As I Kneel before you" and lay some white flowers before our statue of Mary.

Category: Reception


Planting Potatoes

Image of Planting Potatoes

As part of our New Life topic we have been thinking about how we care for living things. We have planted our own potato plants and talked about how we look after them so they will grow. We used a special potato bag and covered them in the compost and gave them water.  We will taking very special…

Category: Reception


EYFS Collective Worship

Image of EYFS Collective Worship

Today in our collective worship we listened to the story of Mary Magadalene. We used pictures to help us understand the story and think about the good news; "Jesus is alive!"  We have been learning a song to celebrate Easter Joy.

Category: Reception