A great day together !

Image of A great day together !

What a great day we had yesterday ! It was so lovely to see you all again and you were wonderful as always :) I only wish it was for longer ! I’m glad we got to say goodbye before the summer holidays and think about what a wonderful time we have had together in Year 3 ! 

Category: Year 2/3M


Hi year 3 :)

Image of Hi year 3 :)


 Hello again Year 3 ! 

How are you all ? I hope you are all keeping happy and well at home?  I have lost track of what week we are on with home learning!!  But I hope you are still managing to do a little and often!  Next week is the last week of home learning as, if we were in school we…

Category: Year 2/3M


My wonderful Year 3 !

Image of My wonderful Year 3 !

Hi guys, me again J

I’ve been feeling very nostalgic lately and have enjoyed looking back over our time together, looking at photographs of you all !  It’s made me miss you even more but also made me realise how much of a wonderful time we had together!  I only wish it had lasted longer!  I…

Category: Year 2/3M


Home learning with Imogen!

Image of Home learning with Imogen!

Imogen loved learning about the oceans last week and made her own fabulous boat! She also made her own symbols for the Holy Trinity for our work in Religion :) 

Well done Imogen we are proud of you! 

Category: Year 2/3M


Hello Year 3

Image of Hello Year 3

Hi you lovely lotJ 


The sun is back and it has cheered me up ! J  How have you been enjoying the sun this week?  Now more places are opening up I have been trying to book tickets for the zoo but they keep selling out !  I keep trying for the National trust parks too but the same keeps…

Category: Year 2/3M


Hello Year 3 :)

Image of Hello Year 3 :)

Hi guys, how are you all ?

What a funny week we have had for weather! It’s been sunny, windy, rainy and thunder and lightning!    I think I mentioned that I have got a new bike, well I have started riding into school this week, trying to avoid the heavy rain and thunder and lightning that is!

Category: Year 2/3M


Hi year 3 !

Image of Hi year 3 !

Hello again my lovelies.  I  hope you are all doing well at home :)   It's been a week of changes in our house this week!  You may remember me mentioning that we had some caterpillars and we were watching them grow bigger as part of Daisy's learning about life cycles!  Well, over the last couple…

Category: Year 2/3M


Hello again Year 3 !

Image of Hello again Year 3 !

Hi guys, how are you lovely lot ? 

I hope you have been enjoying half term ?  It certainly is one we will remember hey ?! :)  I have found it a little strange as usually we would have lots of days out planned and trips to places with friends! We have had to be very creative with our time…

Category: Year 2/3M


Hi again Year 3 !

Image of Hi again Year 3 !

Hi lovelies, I can't quite believe it's another week!  I hope you are all still doing well and keeping busy :)  This week I am going to be phoning your parents!  I am very excited as it means I may get to speak to some of you guys too :)  I miss your voices so it would be lovely to have a catch…

Category: Year 2/3M


Year 3 parents letter 12.05.20

Image of Year 3 parents letter 12.05.20

Hello everyone :) I hope you and your families are well.  I can't quite believe we are on week 8 of home learning!  I hope you have all managed to access the new  home learning plan on the blog.  If not you can access it here:  

Category: Year 2/3M


It's me again Year 3 !

Image of It's me again Year 3 !

Hi guys :) I missed writing to you last week, but I hope you enjoyed hearing from Mrs O'Connor !  I hope you are all ok still and keeping safe and well :) As the weeks go on I am really missing you all! It's been lovely to see Ava and Daniella in school this week ( as key worker children) and last…

Category: Year 2/3M


Lily's VE Day cake !

Image of Lily's VE Day cake !

Look at the amazing VE Day cake Lily made!  She did most of the piping herself too :)  

Well done Lily, we wish we could share it with you!

Category: Year 2/3M