Problem-solving puzzles!

Image of Problem-solving puzzles!

As part of STEM week, the children had a go at the puzzle 'Snail Race'. They used clues to work out which snail won the race and the order of the rest.

They then had a go at creating their own race and provided clues for their partner to have a go at solving!

Category: Year 4/5D


Finding out about Marie Curie!

Image of Finding out about Marie Curie!

As part of STEM week, Year 4 loved learning about making connections in Science, and our focus was on Marie Curie.  They created a newspaper article about her life! They also learnt about how we can live a healthy lifestyle. 

Category: Year 4/5D


Professor Bubbleworks workshop!

Image of Professor Bubbleworks workshop!

The children loved watching and joining in with some scientific experiments with Professor Bubbleworks this afternoon. We learnt about forces, electricity and more! A great start to STEM week! 

Category: Year 4/5D


Creating digital music on Isle of Tune!

Image of Creating digital music on Isle of Tune!

Today year 4 recorded sound samples for their morning radio jingle using Isle of Tune! They shared their digital music with the class and did a great job!

Category: Year 4/5D


Sponsored silence for Year 4!

Image of Sponsored silence for Year 4!

Year 4 carried out a sponsored silence today to raise money for the Syria and Turkey crisis. They did a brilliant job of staying silent for 3 and a half hours! Well done Year 4, you did the school proud! 

Category: Year 4/5D


Looking for features of a play script in 'Hansel and Gretel'

Image of Looking for features of a play script in 'Hansel and Gretel'

Category: Year 4/5D


Mother's Day Cards!

Image of Mother's Day Cards!

Category: Year 4/5D


Creating digital music using Chrome Music Lab!

Image of Creating digital music using Chrome Music Lab!

Category: Year 4/5D


A busy times table club this week!

Image of A busy times table club this week!

Category: Year 4/5D


Creating our own pan flutes to test pitch!

Image of Creating our own pan flutes to test pitch!

In today’s science lesson, we created our own pan flutes using paper straws, sello tape and scissors. We then tested our pan flutes to see which side had a higher or lower pitch. We then shared our findings with the class. We all found out that the shorter side created a higher pitch sound, and…

Category: Year 4/5D


Times Table fun!

Image of Times Table fun!

Category: Year 4/5D


World Book Day - our reading restaurant!

Image of World Book Day - our reading restaurant!

Today Year 4 visited the reading restaurant! Each table had a different genre of books for us to have a look through. We moved through each table like a carousel! We then had a class discussion to reflect on the books we had explored today; which we would recommend to a friend, which was our…

Category: Year 4/5D