Performing the poem 'Slinky Malinki' by Lynley Dodd!
Category: Year 4D - Miss Dineen
RE - Thinking of ways Solomon would help with current events/issues in the world!
Category: Year 4D - Miss Dineen
Dog's Trust assembly and workshop!
Category: Year 4D - Miss Dineen
Designing Ancient Egyptian art for our scrolls!
Category: Year 4D - Miss Dineen
Investigating which method is the quickest for melting chocolate!
Category: Year 4D - Miss Dineen
Louis and Adam's liturgy about the importance of family and friends!
Category: Year 4D - Miss Dineen
Playing and analysing existing online educational games!
Category: Year 4D - Miss Dineen
Creating Egyptian patterns and symbols in art!
Category: Year 4D - Miss Dineen
Performing the story of Jacob's blessing!
Category: Year 4D - Miss Dineen
Locating the 4 ancient civilisations on a world map!
Category: Year 4D - Miss Dineen
Observing different states of matter in action!
Category: Year 4D - Miss Dineen
Representing numbers to 1,000 using concrete resources!
Category: Year 4D - Miss Dineen