Amazing Amazon
Fantastic work from year 6E. The children have written non- chronological reports using all the different features discussed in class.
Category: Year 6E
European Languages Day
Year 6 enjoyed the European languages session at St. Antony’s today.
Category: Year 6E
A Special Visitor
We had a very special visitor in school today. Marcelle’s Grandma, came into school to talk to us about the Queen’s funeral. She was invited to attend the funeral by Buckingham Palace. She told us proud she was to attend such an important event and that she met and shook the hand of Joe…
Category: Year 6E
The Prodigal Son
Y6E planned and performed their versions of the parable of The Prodigal Son.
Category: Year 6E
Meeting our buddies
We had a lovely time playing with our buddies yesterday.
Category: Year 6E
The Great Grammar Challenge
Year 6 have been busy revising their grammar knowledge whilst getting some fresh air too!
Category: Year 6E
Catching Particulates.
As part of our ‘Clean Air Experiment’ we have placed out particulate traps out in the playground. All we need now is some particulates.
Category: Year 6E
Mother’s Day Liturgy
A beautiful liturgy led by Adanma, Maddison and Megan.
Category: Year 6E
Play date with our reception buddies.
Category: Year 6E
Wake Up Shake Up
We celebrated World Book Day with Wake Up Shake Up!
Category: Year 6E
Finally meeting out Reception buddies
It was absolutely fantastic to meet up with our reception buddies today. This is the first time we have been able to do this since 2020!
Category: Year 6E
Bobby Shaftoe on the recorder.
Y6E continue to impress me with their recorder skills.
Category: Year 6E