Which Beak is Best?
Y6 have been investigating how birds adapt to their environment and food source.
Category: Year 6E
Y6 Advent Liturgy
Category: Year 6E
Y6 Healthy Lifestyle Talk
Category: Year 6E
A Visit to Urmston War Memorial
Category: Year 6E
Circuit Training with Daniel Purvis
Category: Year 6E
A Visit From Watch Manager Doyle
Thank you for coming in to teach us about jobs that require great commitment.
Category: Year 6E
Remembrance Liturgy
Category: Year 6E
Class Liturgy led by Daniel and Isaac
Category: Year 6E
Music lessons in 6E
Category: Year 6E
The Imperial War Museum
Category: Year 6E
Business Enterprise Day
Category: Year 6E
Year 6E Assembly
Well done to all the children in Y6E - you’ve worked very hard!
Category: Year 6E