A Real Life Superhero!
We were very lucky to have a visit from a real life superhero, Nurse Emma came in to talk to us about her very special job!
Nurse Emma showed us how to use a stethoscope and we had lots of fun finding our heartbeats!
Thank you Nurse Emma!
Category: Reception
Creating circuits using switches!
Today year 4 created electrical circuits and used switches to turn the light bulb on and off.
Category: Year 4/5D
Nursery News 5.12.22
Here is this weeks Nursery News.
Category: Nursery
Investigating Inherited characteristics
Category: Year 6J
Litter picking!
A huge well done to Y3/4 and Y4 for collecting lots of litter on our school grounds to help keep it clean and tidy.
Category: Year 4Mc
Litter picking competition!
Well done to Y3/4 and Y4 for going head to head this afternoon to see who could collect the most litter - the winners will be announced on Monday...
Category: Year 4/5D
Class Liturgy: Be Thankful
Thank you and well done to Ahmad, Emmanuel and Jayden for their very well organised and thoughtful ‘Be Thankful’ liturgy.
Mary and Joseph
This week we have been getting our display of Mary and Joseph in the stable ready for our wall. We have been listening to the story of their journey to Bethlehem. We have been learning the special prayer ‘The Hail Mary’. We have talked about how the angel came to tell Mary that she was going to…
Category: Nursery
Our Advent Class Mass
Well done everyone for a lovely Advent Mass with super readings, beautiful singing (once Mrs Jones replayed the music) a fantastic Advent poem not to mention impeccable behaviour and a wonderful turn out of our ever supportive class parents.
We could not have asked for a better start to…
Category: Year 6J
Coding our Sprites!
Category: Year 4Mc
Creating simple electrical circuits!
Today year 4 started to create simple electrical circuits using 2 wires, a bulb and a battery. Their task was to try and make the bulb light up...which they did! Next week, we will start to explore switches and create more circuits!
Category: Year 4/5D
Advent Liturgy
Bobby and Blake led a very thoughtful and prayerful class liturgy today to mark the beginning of Advent on Sunday.