Year 5 Music
Category: Year 5M - Mrs Marshall
Working on our literacy skills using the chrome books
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Year 5 Science
Category: Year 5M - Mrs Marshall
To wake ourselves for learning we ‘Just Dance ‘ !
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Louis and Adam's liturgy about the importance of family and friends!
Category: Year 4D - Miss Dineen
Discussing the qualities of a leader and what Solomon’s approach would be to world events in Religion
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
A thought-provoking child-led liturgy about kindness
Well done Isaac, Rose and Eliyanah for your powerful liturgy using scripture from the parable of the Good Samaritan. It helped to remind us all of the importance of being kind and helping others.
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Gymnastics Club!
Category: Reception - Mrs Doherty and Mrs Danby
Learning about our bodies!
Category: Reception - Mrs Doherty and Mrs Danby
Physical development
Category: Reception - Mrs Doherty and Mrs Danby
Making new friends!
Category: Reception - Mrs Doherty and Mrs Danby