Music fun day !

Image of Music fun day !



Today we are  celebrating  all things musical! 

We are using the iPads to explore beat and pulse and make our own music. 

We are using junk materials to make musical instruments. 

We have been writing about our favourite bands and listening for beat and rytymn in some popular…

Category: Reception


RE with the Nursery

Image of RE with the Nursery

As part of our RE curriculum the Nursery acted out the Wedding at Cana. A brilliant way to understand a very important story. 


Thinking hard on a Friday!

Image of Thinking hard on a Friday!



The class worked very hard on solving our 'Think Friday' this week. In pairs the children were given 36 counters, 6 of each colour. Using a 6x6 grid they had to cover the squares so that no counters of the same colour were in any row, column or diagonal. Are you up for the…

Category: Year 3K


Are you watching Mr Van Gaal?

Image of Are you watching Mr Van Gaal?

Today coaches from the Manchester United Foundation came into school to work with our class. It was great to see all the children enjoying the session and demonstrating some great skills. Maybe all is not lost for the Reds this season if Van Gaal turns up to watch the next lesson!!

Category: Year 3K


Another visit from the police!

Image of Another visit from the police!

We enjoyed another visit from the police today. We have learnt what Anti- Social Behaviour is, this prompted lots of interesting discussion.

Category: Year 6E


Odd or Even?

Image of Odd or Even?

Today we were investigating odd and even numbers by building towers with multi-link. We saw patterns and found out that even numbers end in 2,4,6,8 or 0. Everyone worked really well in their group to complete the investigation. 

Category: Year 1S


Finding Averages

Image of Finding Averages

Year 6 have been collecting data and finding averages. We tried to throw and catch a ball as many times as we could in one minute. We collected this data and worked out the average number of times a child, in our class,could do this in one minute.

Category: Year 6E


Think Friday-multiplication problem solving

Image of Think Friday-multiplication problem solving

Category: Year 2DB


The Selfish Crocodile

Image of The Selfish Crocodile

Category: Year 2DB


Think Friday!

Great team work!


Category: Year 2DB


Programming in Year 1S

Image of Programming in Year 1S

We have been using the bee bots in class. The children have been learning the names of the continents as part of our topic work so they programmed the bee bots to move around the world. 

Category: Year 1S


Ash Wednesday

Image of Ash Wednesday

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday.  We learnt all about Lent  and the ashes we receive on Ash Wednesday to help us to follow Jesus ! Mr Smith visited our class and gave us all the ashes on our foreheads. 

Category: Reception