21 April 2020

Image of Me again : )

Hi guys me again : )

Hope you enjoyed my little collage of my week; maybe you could create your own.

I really hope everyone is well and taking good care of themselves.  I have still been trying to work out as much as I can and get my walks in, as well as growing new things in my garden.   It was my best friend’s birthday last week so I dropped some presents on her doorstep and waved at a safe distance, while singing happy birthday.  It was also my lovely little Nan’s birthday who turned 97!  I bought her some yummy treats that she can share with my Grandad and we had a catch up over the phone.  I taught myself a new skill last week, it’s called Macramé I made a plant hanger and I’m getting rather good J

I hope you are all still reading and practising your handwriting and spellings. 

Remember you can use the Active Learn activities as well as the White Rose home learning.  Twinkl have lots of fantastic activities and you can join for free!  Why don’t you challenge yourself and try out some of these activities on this link https://nrich.maths.org/14579.

This week I would like you to make some number lines and have ago at placing 2 and 3 digit numbers on them.  If you have got some string, use that. One end will be 0 and the other 100 or 1000.  Remember to fold the string in half to find 1/2 way, then place your multiples of 10 along the line, these could be on pieces of paper.  Ask your parents to give you some numbers you can place on the number line.  Try to think back to how we did it in class.

For some English activities follow the link below and watch this short animation on Literacy Shed.  https://www.literacyshed.com/adventures-are-the-pits.html

Writing ideas –

Can you retell the story as if you were the little boy?

Imagine if the slide could take you anywhere where would it be?  What could you see?

Or you could try this one -


Write a set of instructions about how to make a cloud, remember to use time conjunctions (First, Next, Then,) and imperative verbs ( take, put, bend.)

Or you could finish off my story ….

Have you ever lay on your back on a warm summer day and watched the clouds gently roll by like a soft flowing river?  Have you ever wondered why you seem to notice shapes forming in the clouds?  Well it all began with a little boy and his grandfather.

One rather cloudy Saturday morning…

Happy writing guys!

Why don’t you have a go at painting or sketching the sky and clouds on different days?  Try and choose one sunny/ cloudy day and one grey day.  What do you notice about the colours?  What shapes can you make out in the clouds?

I’m realllllllllllllllllly missing you all and can’t wait to see you soon,

Lots of love Mrs Griffiths and Mrs Heitzman.

Posted by Mrs Griffiths