18 May 2020
Hello Year 5!
How are you? I hope you all had a good weekend. On Saturday, we made some video calls to family and friends. It was great to see them and chat with them about what they’re doing and how they are. Next weekend we’re going to have a quiz and each member of the family has to make up questions on a different theme - my subject is films. I’ll have to start thinking about some super questions!
Lucinda has also been writing letters to some of her friends. You should have seen the smile on her face when she received a letter back through the post! How have you been keeping in touch with friends and family?
During this week, I will be phoning you and your families to catch up and see how you are getting on. I’m looking forward to talking to as many of you as possible.
How did you get on with the home learning plan last week? I hope you managed to complete some of the activities. The plan for Week 9 is now on the school website:
As usual, try to do some activities but don’t worry if you can’t complete them all. Also, remember that you can continue working on the activities for week 8 if you want to finish them. You work at your own pace and do what fits in best with your routine at home. Later on in the week, the weather should be good so I hope you manage to spend time outside enjoying the sunshine!
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme this year is ‘kindness’.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/52557800 and listen to children talking about why it’s important to be kind and acts of kindness shown to them and others. The website also explains the benefits of kindness, for example it’s good for your heart and makes you feel happy. Maybe this week you could think about acts of kindness you could do for others, especially people in your house. Maybe you could ask what you can do to help at home or cheer someone up if they are feeling low. Small things can make a big difference. I’m sure you’ll find lots of ways to show kindness to others.
On Thursday it is the feast of the Ascension.
Visit these links to find out more about this important feast:
Read this prayer on the feast of the Ascension:
Could you prepare a liturgy about the Ascension, to do on Thursday for your family?
Or could you prepare a piece of art about the Ascension, including a quote from the Bible?
There are lots of images of the Ascension on the internet to give you some inspiration.
I hope you all have a good week and enjoy doing some of the activities!
Take care, stay safe and be kind.
From Mrs Marshall and Mrs Blackwell
Posted by Mrs Marshall
Category: Year 5M