Hail Mary
In our collective worship we have been thinking about Mary and the very special prayer we say "Hail Mary". We have also sung a hymn to Mary; "As I Kneel before you" and lay some white flowers before our statue of Mary.
Posted by /blog/author/Year2b/page:21 on 5 May 2015
Category: Reception
Planting Potatoes
As part of our New Life topic we have been thinking about how we care for living things. We have planted our own potato plants and talked about how we look after them so they will grow. We used a special potato bag and covered them in the compost and gave them water. We will taking very special…
Posted by /blog/author/Year2b/page:21 on 22 April 2015
Category: Reception
EYFS Collective Worship
Today in our collective worship we listened to the story of Mary Magadalene. We used pictures to help us understand the story and think about the good news; "Jesus is alive!" We have been learning a song to celebrate Easter Joy.
Posted by /blog/author/Year2b/page:21 on 21 April 2015
Category: Reception
EYFS Collective Worship
In our collective worship this week we learnt all about how Jesus rose from the dead at Easter time and how this wonderful news made the angel, Peter and Mary smile! We talked about the different things that made us happy and sad using some paper plate faces to describe our thoughts and…
Posted by /blog/author/Year2b/page:21 on 16 April 2015
Category: Reception
Thank You Prayer Leaders
Today our prayer leaders talked about how we thought Jesus' friends felt after Jesus had died. We had lots of ideas in reception we thought the disciples would have felt afraid and probably scared too. We talked about what things we are afraid off and who helps us to feel happy and…
Posted by /blog/author/Year2b/page:21 on 16 April 2015
Category: Reception
Our Last Supper
During Holy Week we have learnt all about The Easter Story. This afternoon we had our own Last Supper; we shared bread and blackcurrant juice just like Jesus and his friends did.
Posted by /blog/author/Year2b/page:21 on 2 April 2015
Category: Reception
World Book Day!
We had a fabulous day celebrating World Book Day! We wrote sentences about our favourite book character and even wrote our very own story books! We love books in Reception!
Posted by /blog/author/Year2b/page:21 on 6 March 2015
Category: Reception
PE Fun!
We have had lots of fun today in PE. We warmed up with a game of "Traffic Lights" and then used ribbons for our expressive dance. Well done everybody!
Posted by /blog/author/Year2b/page:21 on 25 February 2015
Category: Reception
Observational Drawings For Our Garden Centre.
We have been very artistic today! We have been looking closely at different flowers and using colouring pencils to create observational drawings.
We will put our drawings up in our new role play area; The Garden Centre.
Posted by /blog/author/Year2b/page:21 on 25 February 2015
Category: Reception
Chinese Dragon Parade!
We had our very own Chinese Dragon Parade in Reception, using the dragon head we made and some colourful Chinese lanterns!
Posted by /blog/author/Year2b/page:21 on 13 February 2015
Category: Reception
We have been making symmetrical patterns in Reception using our bodies! Well done everybody!
Posted by /blog/author/Year2b/page:21 on 6 February 2015
Category: Reception
Reception Art Club
Every Wednesday Reception get creative during our after school art club. Each week we choose a story to share and then get all creative making a character from the story. Last week we read "Rainbow Fish" and made some very colourful fish. We also talked about how sharing and being kind can make…
Posted by /blog/author/Year2b/page:21 on 4 February 2015
Category: Reception