What is Area?
Today we explored the question ‘what is area?’. We looked at how area can be deceiving - the longest shape doesn’t always have the biggest area! We also discovered that it’s extremely hard to measure shapes with ‘post it’ notes when it’s windy! Whoops!!…
Posted by /blog/author/ppa/page:13 on 12 November 2020
Category: Year 4/5D
Children’s Liturgy
A wonderful Remembrance Day tribute led by Isaac and Blake. Thank you boys.
Posted by /blog/author/ppa/page:13 on 6 November 2020
Category: Year 4/5D
Bonfire Poetry
We’ve had a great week writing Bonfire poems! Well done Year 4! Another wonderful week
Posted by /blog/author/ppa/page:13 on 6 November 2020
Category: Year 4/5D
Chocolate Sparklers!
We made chocolate sparklers to celebrate bonfire night! I’m not sure how many actually got home in one piece, as there were a lot of chocolate smeared faces on the way out of school
Posted by /blog/author/ppa/page:13 on 6 November 2020
Category: Year 4/5D
Children’s liturgy
A big thank you to Daniella and Jessica for leading us today in our class liturgy. As October is the month of the Holy Rosary, we looked at what this means to our faith and how people use it to pray. A lovely afternoon liturgy to set us up perfectly for a great restful half term! Thank you for…
Posted by /blog/author/ppa/page:13 on 23 October 2020
Category: Year 4/5D
Our new house groups!
Today we researched our new house group leaders. It’s been lovely to see the children write so passionately about people they believe to be inspirational.
Posted by /blog/author/ppa/page:13 on 22 October 2020
Category: Year 4/5D
Children’s Liturgy
Thank you to Isaac and Bobby for leading our liturgy this afternoon on the subject of kindness. The scripture was perfect and we enjoyed watching the Good Samaritan. We reflected on the way we are with each other and we spoke about how we could make people happy through kindness.
Posted by /blog/author/ppa/page:13 on 16 October 2020
Category: Year 4/5D
Ice Wall Experiment
Today we investigated how water can be a solid, liquid and a gas!
Posted by /blog/author/ppa/page:13 on 16 October 2020
Category: Year 4/5D
Children’s Liturgy
Thank you to Niamh and Georgia for a very peaceful liturgy about friendship. We had time to think about, and reflect on the type of friend we would like to be. Thank you girls.
Posted by /blog/author/ppa/page:13 on 9 October 2020
Category: Year 4/5D
Morning Surprise!
What a surprise it would be if we came downstairs in the morning to an octopus in our sink!
We have been using our inference skills to draw meanings from photos. We had a lovely morning role playing what we would do in this situation. Some groups even rang the F.B.I!!
Well done Year…
Posted by /blog/author/ppa/page:13 on 9 October 2020
Category: Year 4/5D
Children’s Liturgy
This afternoon we had a beautiful Liturgy led by Titus and Joshua on the topic of ‘Coronavirus in the world’. It was ended with one of my favourite hymns too. What a great end to the week. Thank you boys.
Posted by /blog/author/ppa/page:13 on 2 October 2020
Category: Year 4/5D
Dancing raisins!
You could probably hear the squeals of excitement for miles as the raisins started to dance away in the lemonade!
We investigated how the gas particles in the lemonade attached themselves to the raisin ‘like a jacket’ and made them ‘dance’. We compared this to putting raisins in water, where…
Posted by /blog/author/ppa/page:13 on 2 October 2020
Category: Year 4/5D