Nursery News 7.3.22

Image of Nursery News 7.3.22

Here is this weeks Nursery News.

Category: Nursery


Our First Wake Up - Shake Up!

Image of Our First Wake Up - Shake Up!

We had two winners in our first Wake Up- Shake Up. We all loved dancing with the rest of our school family! The girls loved their certificates!

Category: Nursery


We Are Not Invisible!

Image of We Are Not Invisible!

We having been sharing the story book “The Invisible” by Tom Percival. Today we all wore bright clothes so that EVERYONE could see us - we are NOT invisible!

Category: Nursery


Nursery News 28.2.22

Image of Nursery News 28.2.22

Here is this weeks Nursery News!

Category: Nursery


Looking for Two

Image of Looking for Two

We had to find TWO things, that were linked in some way - they could be the same things- two books, the same colour, a red shoe and a red pencil, or the same shape. When we had found them, and had explained to our teacher why we thought they went together we used the IPad to take our own…

Category: Nursery


Puppet Show Fun

Image of Puppet Show Fun

We made own own puppets and used the class puppets to make a puppet show. We are very lucky in nursery that we can do lots of different things during the day, and our teachers will help us , we sang different songs and rhymes and our audience loved it!

Category: Nursery


Twosday 22.2.22

Image of Twosday 22.2.22

We had a great day today, finding out about the number two! We practiced our number recognition and our cutting and sticking, by sorting out the number 2s, and we made 2 “Little Dicky Bird” puppets to help us sing the rhyme - we even made a wall for them to sit on!

Category: Nursery


Nursery News 21.2.22

Image of Nursery News 21.2.22

Welcome back to Nursery, here is this weeks newsletter.

Category: Nursery


Outside Fun!

Image of Outside Fun!

We love playing outside, there are so many different things we can do, even when it’s cold and windy!

Category: Nursery


Sponsored Rhyme Time for World Book Day!

Image of Sponsored Rhyme Time for World Book Day!

In Nursery we are learning Nursery Rhymes for World Book Day to raise money for our school.

Category: Nursery


Nursery News 7.2.22 week 6

Image of Nursery News 7.2.22 week 6

Here is this weeks Nursery News. We hope you all have a lovely half term with your families.

Category: Nursery


Celebrating Chinese New Year

Image of Celebrating Chinese New Year

We are celebrating Chinese New Year. We made tiger ribbon streamers, red lanterns and we all worked together to make our own Chinese Dragon! We shared the story of the animal race, we read a story about a family celebrating Chinese New Year and we have had Chinese music on as we have played in…

Category: Nursery