St. Hugh of Lincoln

Image of St. Hugh of Lincoln

We go to St. Hugh of Lincoln R.C. Primary School. Today we heard about St. Hugh, as he is our special saint. We heard that he had a very special pet - a swan. We looked at the swan on our school uniform! We made our own handprint swans!

Category: Nursery


Maths/Number Day Fun

Image of Maths/Number Day Fun

We retold the story of “A Squash and a Squeeze”, by Julia Donaldson. It is a great story,  it is about an old lady who doesn’t think her house is big enough for her to live in, until the wise old man helps her to understand that it is! The children could see the numbers going up as each character…

Category: Nursery


Maths/Number Day

Image of Maths/Number Day

We had great fun on Maths/Number Day, we came dressed up in numbers, and we went outside for our very first “Wake Up - Shake Up”!

Category: Nursery


Nursery News 15.11.21

Image of Nursery News 15.11.21

Here is this weeks Nursery News.

Category: Nursery


“Why Are People Wearing Flowers?”

Image of “Why Are People Wearing Flowers?”

The children wanted to know why people were wearing flowers - poppies. We spoke about how it is to remember people who have died in wars and we watched a short animated film about the poppies growing in the fields. 

Category: Nursery


Making Pictures Without Pencils!

Image of Making Pictures Without Pencils!

We used the Transient Art resources to make our own pictures. We had great fun, and we did some super thinking!

Category: Nursery


Firework Fun

Image of Firework Fun

We talked about the fireworks that we saw and heard over the weekend. On Monday we made our splatter paintings, we talked about the noises that they made. As we painted we shouted the words out, just like the fireworks going off! On Wednesday when our paintings had dried we made shape rockets and…

Category: Nursery


Nursery News 8.11.21

Image of Nursery News 8.11.21

Here is this weeks Nursery News.

Category: Nursery


Music with Mrs. Ali

Image of Music with Mrs. Ali

We had a super lesson with Mrs. Ali. We have also been exploring ‘Instrumental Sounds’ in phonics so it was really great!

Category: Nursery


Happy Diwali from Nursery!

Image of Happy Diwali from Nursery!

This week in Nursery, we have been finding out about Diwali. We listened to the story about Rama and Sita. We heard about Lakshmana, the demon king Ravana and the Monkey King - Hanuman. We all thought hard about how they could save Sita from the island. During the week we made stick puppets and we…

Category: Nursery


Planting for Spring

Image of Planting for Spring

We helped Mrs. Karran to plant bulbs into our flower garden. We have to look after our world!

Category: Nursery


Leaf Printing

Image of Leaf Printing

We used the leaves to print onto the paper, it was a little messy, but sometimes, messy is fun!

Category: Nursery