Counting in tens!

Image of Counting in tens!

This week we have been counting in tens ! 

We have used the 100 grid, our hands , numicon and jigsaw pieces to help us with this skill! 

Ask us at home to show you ! 

Category: Reception


Namaste !!

Image of Namaste !!

This week in P.E we have been on a yoga adventure ! 

We have learnt lots of new moves and heard an exciting story of a crocodile too ! 

Category: Reception


Multi cultural week!

Image of Multi cultural week!

This week we have started thinking about children around the world! 

We have read a non fiction book and talked about the differences between our country and others in the world.  We have looked a a globe chose a different country we would like to live in ! 

Category: Reception


We are authors

Image of We are authors

We have been talking about stories! 

We have talked about characters and settings and types of stories.  

Talk is very important for our story writing and have used characters to become story tellers and then we have made books of these stories.  We have been working very hard with our…

Category: Reception


Silver trail

Image of Silver trail

Today we have had our annual silver trail! 

We lined all the coins up we had collected and in reception out line was 12 metres long ! 

Category: Reception


Making bread

Image of Making bread

This week we have read the story 'The  Little Red Hen ' 

just like the hen in the story we helped Mrs Willows to bake some bread ! 

It was very yummy :) 

Category: Reception


Reading Buddies

Image of Reading Buddies

Today as a special treat our Year Six buddies came to read us a story ! 


Category: Reception


Tasting 'Handa's fruit'

Image of Tasting 'Handa's fruit'

Very excited ! 

Category: Reception


'Handa's Surprise'

Image of 'Handa's Surprise'

This week we have enjoyed the story of 'Handa's Surprise', so much so that it has inspired us to write our own story of it!  

We played hot seating to help us to get to know the characters in the story and used props to re enact the story ! We have all done some wonderful writing to retell the…

Category: Reception


Let it shine!

Image of Let it shine!

Today the children in Nursery and Reception celebrated our special 'Candle Mass' we were wonderful in Church and enjoyed taking our candles up to the alter.  

Thank you to everyone who came to share mass with us! 

Category: Reception


Safer internet day!

Image of Safer internet day!

It's never too early to start learning about Internet safety! 

In Reception  we have talked about the power of images.  We hav taken selfies, funny pictures of each other and photos of children playing together. We have thought of nice things we could say about the photos to make the children…

Category: Reception


Symmetrical paintings

Image of Symmetrical paintings

We have been learning about symmetry! We painted symmetrical flower pictures, they look fantastic! 

Category: Reception