Sponsored 'Rideathon'

Image of Sponsored 'Rideathon'

This morning Nursery and Reception completed  their sponsored 'Rideathon'. We had bikes, scooters and we even had a couple of children with two wheel bikes !  We all managed at least three laps around the big playground and we had lots of fun too!  

A big thank you for the sponsorships we have…

Category: Reception


We Are Super Writers!

Image of We Are Super Writers!

In Reception we have been learning about Space, we have written our own Non Fiction books and shared them with Year 1.

Category: Reception


Sharing our success with year 1

Image of Sharing our success with year 1

This week we have been working very hard writing non fiction books about Space!  We were very excited to share our books with Year 1 this afternoon and they all said we are very good writers ! 

Category: Reception


Counting in tens

Image of Counting in tens

This week we have been learning to count in tens .   We used the numbered rockets to help us ! 



Category: Reception


Dancing with ribbons!

Image of Dancing with ribbons!

This morning we have been making up our own dances to different music using ribbons. We were pretending to be flowers dancing in the wind and petals floating in the sky!  We learnt lots of different ways we can move with our ribbons to the music - high level, low level, turning around,…

Category: Reception


Easter preparations !

Image of Easter preparations !

Today we have been baking ! We have made chocolate and syrup nest cakes for Easter ! Yum Yum ! 

Category: Reception


A 'cracking' effort from everyone !

Image of A 'cracking' effort from everyone !

Look how fantastic our decorated eggs look for the Easter competition ! 

Good luck to all of you we love them all :) 

Category: Reception


Our Class Visit From Andy Tooze

Image of Our Class Visit From Andy Tooze

We had a fabulous time when Andy Tooze came into share his poems with us.  Thank you Andy!

Category: Reception


Visit from poet Andy Tooze

Image of Visit from poet Andy Tooze

We really enjoyed the visit from Andy Tooze our resident poet ! We are getting so good at rhyming ! 

Category: Reception


The Sun Is Shining

Image of The Sun Is Shining

The sun is shining and we are making the most of it. We had lots of fun playing football with Miss Moran. Let's hope this sunshine lasts.

Category: Reception


Parachute Play

Image of Parachute Play

We had great fun in P.E. today playing games with the parachute! We had to listen very carefully to the instructions and work together as a team.

Category: Reception


Celebration of Music Assembly

Image of Celebration of Music Assembly

Reception sang "Boom Boom Chicka Boom!" For everyone in assembly this afternoon as part of our celebration of music!  Well done everyone!

Category: Reception