Snow day !

Image of Snow day !

Having fun in the snow ! 

Category: Reception


World book day

Image of World book day

We had a great day and all looked fantastic ! 

Category: Reception


Happy Music Day!

Image of Happy Music Day!

We have been having lots of fun celebrating music today!  We formed our own band using instruments we made and some of our favourite instruments to play some different songs!

Category: Reception


Music fun day !

Image of Music fun day !



Today we are  celebrating  all things musical! 

We are using the iPads to explore beat and pulse and make our own music. 

We are using junk materials to make musical instruments. 

We have been writing about our favourite bands and listening for beat and rytymn in some popular…

Category: Reception


Ash Wednesday

Image of Ash Wednesday

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday.  We learnt all about Lent  and the ashes we receive on Ash Wednesday to help us to follow Jesus ! Mr Smith visited our class and gave us all the ashes on our foreheads. 

Category: Reception


Pancake fun !

Image of Pancake fun !

As it is shrove Tuesday we have been making pretend pancakes using play dough and a variety of toppings ! It made us very hungry! It's a good job we are making real ones too :) 

Category: Reception


Special visitors !

Image of Special visitors !

Today we had two very special visitors to school! P.C Jo and P.C Chris.  They came to tell us all about their special job as police officers and all they do to keep us safe.  We have promised to wave at them if we see them drive past us ! 


Category: Reception



Image of EYFS Mass

Thank you to all the Parents and Carers that celebrated Mass with us on Wednesday, it was lovely to see so many of you there. Thanks also to Fr Michael for making it so special for the children.

Category: Reception


Warming Up For PE

Image of Warming Up For PE

We are learning why it is important to warm up our body before our main activity.  Today we counted to 20 using different actions; our favourite was the star jump!

Category: Reception


Reception Creative Story Club

Image of Reception Creative Story Club

We had lots of fun in our first creative story club this year!  We read "The Gruffalo's Child" together and then made our own Gruffalo masks using different materials.  Well done everyone!  See you next week for more creative story club!

Category: Reception


Terrific travelling in EYFS P.E.

Image of Terrific travelling in EYFS P.E.

We had great fun in P.E. today travelling and moving in different ways, we marched, jumped, ran and walked to name just a few. We also learnt a sequence of movements where we pretended we were playing in the rain, jumping in the puddles and marching in our wellies!

Category: Reception


First P.E lesson of the New Year !

Image of First P.E lesson of the New Year !

We played a game called jumping in puddles ! 

We had lots of fun and worked our bodies hard ! 

Category: Reception