Finding the Mayans!
Year 6 put together a huge timeline to work out when the Mayan Civilisation existed. Great team work and use of previous knowledge.
Category: Year 6E
Drumming Around
U-Hoo plays the drums, so we used the sticks to see if everything made the SAME sound. We found out that some surfaces made loud sounds and some were softer. We went round our classroom, there were only two places we were not allowed to drum on and they were the windows and the computer screen, we…
Category: Nursery
Monster Phonics
We have been meeting the monsters who live in Monster Phonic Land. We have made a U-Hoo puppet and we enjoyed making his special sound!
Category: Nursery
Rehearsing for our Dance Show!
Category: Reception
Playing and evaluating each other's online educational games!
Category: Year 4/5D
Developing Number Sense at the Snack Shop!
Category: Reception
Category: Reception
Improving our fine motor skills by sewing and threading
Category: Reception
Religion Class Liturgy
Category: Year 2DB
Exploring Ancient Egyptian artefacts!
Category: Year 4/5D
Ukulele practise with Mrs Ali!
Category: Year 4/5D
Ukulele time!
Category: Year 4Mc