Planting daffodil bulbs
Category: Reception
St Hugh of Lincoln’s Feast Day
Category: Reception
Nursery Rhyme Week!
Category: Reception
DT: Identifying the features of a pop-up storybook
Category: Year 4Mc
Investigating mechanisms in DT
Category: Year 2/3M
Researching St Hugh Of Lincoln on his feast day
Category: Year 2/3M
Anti Bullying Liturgy
Khushi and Daniella told us about Ant Bullying Week and the importance of ‘reaching out’ for help if you need it.
Brilliant Biographies
Category: Year 2DB
Category: Year 2DB
Modal Verbs
Category: Year 6J
Identifying the features of a setting description
Today we identified the features of a setting description about Ancient Egypt.
Category: Year 4Mc