Look at the concentration!
Category: Year 2DB
Design & Technology
Category: Year 2DB
Design Technology
Category: Year 4Mc
Maths: Measurement
Category: Year 4Mc
Science Investigation: Testing the strength of different magnets
Category: Year 4Mc
The Great Grammar Challenge
Year 6 have been busy revising their grammar knowledge whilst getting some fresh air too!
Category: Year 6E
Warming up for singing with Mrs Ali !
“Colour and Me”
We shared a story called “Colour and Me” by Michaela Dias-Hayes. The story is about a little girl painting at her Grandmas, she only has 3 colours of paint, but she mixes them together to make 4 MORE colours! We really enjoyed mixing the colours and making new ones, we used our colours to paint a…
Category: Nursery
Presenting our findings!
Today the children created their own magazine article to present their findings from the air pollution challenge. They then presented their work to the class and all did a great job!
Category: Year 4/5D