Small Steps

Image of Small Steps

Hello my Year 6 lovelies,


I hope you have all been able to have some sort of change from your usual routines this past week and been able to enjoy something slightly different with your families. 

Despite putting it off for quite sometime, I have been doing a lot of gardening. I’m…

Category: Year 6J


Hello from Miss Braithwaite

Hello Everyone!

How are we all? I hope you've all had a relax over the half term as I know you have all been working very hard with your learning.

Now the lockdown rules have been relaxed a little bit, I have been able to have a social distancing walk on the meadows with my friend which I…

Category: Year 1D


Hello From Mrs Danby June 8th

Click here for Mr Danby's letter 

Category: Year 2DB


Hello Year 4/5s it’s World Ocean Day

Image of Hello Year 4/5s it’s World Ocean Day

Hello Everyone


How are you? I’m hoping you all are well and keeping safe. I posting this blog a little earlier this week because I wanted to let you know about a special day coming up!

Did you know that this week it is World Ocean Day on Monday 8th June?

World Oceans Day is…

Category: Year 4/5D


Just chilling!

Image of Just chilling!

Category: Year 3K


How well do you know your movies?

Image of How well do you know your movies?

Hi guys,

How have you all been? Hope you are all enjoying the half term, although it probably doesn’t seem much different to the previous weeks! At least you’ve had a break from the online learning (hopefully!) and you’ve been able to get out a little bit more and maybe visit some loved ones,…

Category: Year 3K


Hello again Year 3 !

Image of Hello again Year 3 !

Hi guys, how are you lovely lot ? 

I hope you have been enjoying half term ?  It certainly is one we will remember hey ?! :)  I have found it a little strange as usually we would have lots of days out planned and trips to places with friends! We have had to be very creative with our time…

Category: Year 2/3M


Hey Guys

Image of Hey Guys

Hi guys, 


I hope you are having a nice break during half term?  The weather has been beautiful, although it’s a bit rainy today.   When lockdown was eased a little and we were allowed to drive out, my husband and I went for a day out at the beach.  We had a long walk and enjoyed some fish…


Hello Reception!

Hello Everyone,

We hope you are all well and you enjoying your holiday!

It has been such beautiful weather, it’s has been lovely to go out for long walks, enjoy time in the garden and a BBQ or two !

We have been so impressed with your superb efforts throughout the lockdown, well done…

Category: Reception


Hello Year 4/5

Image of Hello Year 4/5

Hello Children, hope you are all ok and are still looking after your families and people at home. How are you all feeling? Today I’ve woken up to rain! Wow - where is the sun? My children were amazed, like they’ve never seen rain before!

So today we are having a chilled out Disney film day.…

Category: Year 4/5D


Alex has been busy!

Image of Alex has been busy!

Well done to Alex, the latest person to run 5k and donate to the NHS- he actually ran further- Go Alex, what a star! He’s also been watching caterpillars turn into butterflies too- a great way to learn about life cycles. Keep up the good work Alex - well done!

Category: Year 6E


Fantastic Work from Year 1S!

Image of Fantastic Work from Year 1S!

Lois, Edward, Harry and Joseph have been very busy! 

Category: Year 1S