Always Together

Image of Always Together

Hello everyone,

It’s been an interesting week for everyone. Some of us have been reunited and are back at school. The first days were strange as everybody was so quiet, we even had to put some background music on while we were working as we are so used to more voices in the classroom. However,…

Category: Year 6J


Happy Monday!

Good Morning Year 1,

Another week down completed! How are you all?

Last week was my first week back in school teaching some of the children from our class, it has been lovely to see some familiar faces. We have been doing the same learning that you have been doing from the home learning…

Category: Year 1D


Hello Year 4/5

Image of Hello Year 4/5


I hope you and your families are all doing well. I’ve seen a few of you in school this week which has been nice. We’ve spoken lots about our class and how we wish things were different. September will soon be here, and we can all continue our journey together - with some children being…

Category: Year 4/5D


Keep going...

Image of Keep going...

Hi guys,

How has the last week been? It’s been very strange this week in school as we welcomed back Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. It has made me miss you all even more! I’ve chosen the quote at the top of the page to remind you that although some classes are back we have to keep going.

 As I…

Category: Year 3K


Bubbles in our Bubbles

Image of Bubbles in our Bubbles

Fantastic to be reunited with some of my lovely Year Sixes!

Category: Year 6E


More Bubbles

Image of More Bubbles

Lovely to be enjoying reflecting on our ‘Lockdown’ Bubbles despite the drizzly rain. 

Category: Year 6J


PE with Mr Smith

Image of PE with Mr Smith

Category: Year 6J


Hello Year 3 :)

Image of Hello Year 3 :)

Hi guys, how are you all ?

What a funny week we have had for weather! It’s been sunny, windy, rainy and thunder and lightning!    I think I mentioned that I have got a new bike, well I have started riding into school this week, trying to avoid the heavy rain and thunder and lightning that is!

Category: Year 2/3M


Hello Guys

Image of Hello Guys

Hi Guys,


Hope you are all ok? I can’t believe this stormy weather it is amazing to watch.   I love looking out of my window and watching the lightening flash across the sky.  There is a huge blackberry bush in my garden and all of the berries are ripe and ready to pick.  I have used the…


Letter to Year 5

Image of Letter to Year 5

Hello to you again Year 5

As I sit writing this, I see the dark clouds and rain outside and I can’t help wondering when the lovely sunshine will return! It can be a bit harder when you’re stuck inside but I’m sure you have got lots of things to keep you occupied. 

To begin with, you have got…

Category: Year 5M


Home Learning from Theo!

Well Done Theo!! 

You look like you have been working very hard at home making a volcano, 3D shapes using play dough and pasta and a skittle rainbow! Super work

Category: Year 1D


Bubble Time

Image of Bubble Time

Today was the first day back for some children. 

We started off making bubbles so we could reflect on our ‘Bubble’ Religion work. 

Thank goodness we went outside this morning and didn’t get caught in the thunder storm. 

Here are some examples to help you with your…

Category: Year 6J