Cloud spotting !
As part of our enquiry into why Manchester is so wet in Geography we have been learning about clouds. We have used our cloud spotter sheet to spot the different clouds today!
Category: Year 2/3M
Count on me
Today with Mrs Ali, the children played along to ‘count on me’ by Bruno Mars. It was wonderful. I was so impressed! The progress they have shown in Music this year has been brilliant!
Category: Year 4/5D
Sports Day Fun
We enjoyed our “Sports Day”. Unfortunately it was raining so we did our races in the hall.
Category: Nursery
Nursery News 5.7.21
Here is this weeks News Letter.
Category: Nursery
Child led liturgy
A beautiful liturgy led by Ellis, Bobby and Isaac. They focused on the importance of change and making a difference. It was beautiful. Thank you boys.
Category: Year 4/5D
Finding angles with our angle eaters !
Category: Year 2/3M
Making Angles
This week we have been classifying angles. Today we made angles on the Geoboard app.
Category: Year 4/5D
Race for Life
Year 1 had a brilliant time taking part in the Race for Life. Thank you Mr Smith for organising our day
Building bridges
In RE, we looked at different ways in which we can build bridges with people when our relationships break down and we do things we are sorry for. The children worked really well to act out the scenarios we spoke about.
Category: Year 4/5D
Race for life!
Everyday they make me proud to be their teacher. Today was no different. The beautiful tributes, the amazing effort and the fantastic cause. Year 4, you are wonderful xx
Category: Year 4/5D
Our Race For Life
We all did really well when we did the Race for Life. We loved wearing pink for the day and we were able to help raise lots of money for poorly people.
Category: Nursery
Race for Life
We raced for life today with our very own Mr Motivator ! ( Mr Smith )
we were fantastic
Category: Year 2/3M