Hello From Mrs Danby June 1st
Please click here for the letter
Category: Year 2DB
‘Go Big’ Year 6
Hello Year 6,
I hope you have been able to get a break from your online studies last week?
Maybe some of you have not put your alarms on and stayed in bed a little bit longer than you did when it was term time and felt like you have had a break from your new norm? It’s been a fantastic…
Category: Year 6J
Hello from George!
Hi guys,
George recently emailed me with some pictures of what he’s been up to during lockdown. As you can see he’s been very busy, making pizza, designing posters, developing his carpentry skills, mastering his maths work, having fun but most importantly looking after his gorgeous little…
Category: Year 3K
Great effort Sean!
Hi Y4,
Sean excepted my 5K challenge and what a brilliant effort, well done Sean and his dad!
Any other takers Y4?
Category: Year 3K
Record Breaker
Well done Jayden for taking part in this world record breaking activity!
Thank You : )
Thank you so much for creating this wonderful picture and I LOVED the picture with all your names, it made me miss you all even more. Also a huge well done to Jayden who is now a world record holder, he took part in a live Facebook art class which broadcasted around the world, great stuff…
Do you know your fast foods?
Hi Y4,
This weeks quiz is all about fast food. Can you name all 20 fast food logos? Email your answers to me at
Good luck!
Category: Year 3K
In a world where you can be anything be...
Hi Y4,
We’ve got through another week in lockdown! Hope you and your families are continuing to stay safe and you have been making the most of this wonderful weather.
This week I found out about an activity called ‘My Dear New Friend’ which Ben was sent from his school. This encourages…
Category: Year 3K
Hello From Mrs Danby Week 9
Please click here for this weeks letter
Category: Year 2DB
Hi again Year 3 !
Hi lovelies, I can't quite believe it's another week! I hope you are all still doing well and keeping busy :) This week I am going to be phoning your parents! I am very excited as it means I may get to speak to some of you guys too :) I miss your voices so it would be lovely to have a catch…
Category: Year 2/3M
School Opening Letter
Please click here for a letter from Mr Mountcastle
Category: Year 6E
School Opening Letter
Please click here for a letter from Mr Mountcastle
Category: Year 6J