VE Day Celebrations!

Image of VE Day Celebrations!

Hi Y4,

Sean and Dylan really brought history to life this week with their VE Day Celebrations. As you can see in the pictures they made some Union Jack bunting and had a street party in their garden, while listening to war time music. They also wanted to find out more about what their family…

Category: Year 3K


Lily's VE Day cake !

Image of Lily's VE Day cake !

Look at the amazing VE Day cake Lily made!  She did most of the piping herself too :)  

Well done Lily, we wish we could share it with you!

Category: Year 2/3M


The Blue Horse

Image of The Blue Horse

The Blue Horse by Ruby Kirwan

Ruby's been looking at the artist Franz Marc and liked the Blue Horse drawing, so had a go at doing this in water pencils. I love it Ruby!

Category: Year 3K


Only me again!

Image of Only me again!

Hi guys, it’s only me!
Week 7! Can you believe it? It’s been a while now since we’ve all been together, I hope you have all continued to stay safe and you and your families remain well. Ruby Lloyd won last weeks music quiz, well done Ruby. This week there are two prizes up for grabs. I’m setting…

Category: Year 3K


Hello From Mrs Danby Week 7

Click here for this weeks letter

Category: Year 2DB


Handa's Surprise Activities

Please click here for 'Handa's Surprise' activities /files/HOMELEARNING_handa.pptx

Category: Reception


Hello Guys !

Image of Hello Guys !

Hi Guys,

Hope you are all doing well, I’m really missing you all!  Feels like ageees since I saw you all last (well apart from Emily, and Marcel who I saw out and about : ) )  The weather hasn’t been as nice this week so I’ve been pottering around in my house trying to keep it tidy and…


Reception Parents’ Letter

Image of Reception Parents’ Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

We hope you are all safe and doing well.  This week’s learning is all around the story ‘Handa’s Surprise, the children can hear me reading this to them on the WhatsApp group or they can watch a video of this story on You Tube.  There are activities linked to this story…

Category: Reception


Hello Reception!

Image of Hello Reception!

Hello Reception,

Hope you are all well and having a good week.  This week’s learning is all around the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’ which you can hear me read to you on the WhatsApp group or you can watch a video of the story on YouTube. I have thought of lots of activities for you to get busy with…

Category: Reception


Hello Again Year 6 - Lockdown Week 7

Image of Hello Again Year 6 - Lockdown Week 7

Hello again year 6,

Hope you are all well and managing to keep safe at this strange time. It’s been a bit more difficult this week hasn’t it? The sun has not been shining as much, but hopefully this week it will get better. Well done to Ciaran who’s become the latest member of our class to run…

Category: Year 6E


Jessica learns to roller blade !

Image of Jessica learns to roller blade !

Jessica has been practising ever since she got her roller blades for her birthday and is now a brilliant skater !! Look how cool she looks ! Well done Jessica we are proud of you ! 

Category: Year 2/3M


BBC Bitesize Lessons Schedule Week 4th-8th May

Image of BBC Bitesize Lessons Schedule Week 4th-8th May

Remember no lessons on Friday - it’s a Bank Holiday!

So work hard till then and enjoy the celebrations .

Category: Year 6J