Booktrust Pyjamarama Friday 1st May
Hello Everyone,
We wanted to let you all know about a fantastic day coming up on Friday 1st May!
To celebrate the bedtime story and reading together, this year's Pyjamarama will be a day when you and your family can join in a festival of story-filled fun at home.
There'll be loads of…
Category: Reception
Keeping In Touch With Reception
Hello Everyone,
We hope you are staying safe and well, it was so lovely to speak to so many of you and your families last week and hear how fabulously hard you are all working. Well done to each and everyone of you!
We miss you all and cannot wait until we see you all again back in school,…
Category: Reception
Lois’ Fruit Smoothie!
It was great to receive my first email off Lois to show off her smoothie making skills! I am going to try making it myself now Lois has given us the ingredients, the equipment and the method. Who else is going to give it a go?
Great work Lois, keep it up!
Miss Braithwaite xxx
Category: Year 1D
Daily Phonics lessons
Use the link below to access daily phonic lessons from the Department for Education.
Category: Year 1D
Letter from Mrs Danby
Click here for the latest letter from Mrs Danby
Category: Year 2DB
Daily Phonic Lessons
Use the link below to access daily phonic lessons from the Department for Education.
Category: Year 1S
Hello Year 2/3
Hi guys,
Hope you are all doing well! I really enjoyed catching up with your parents last week; I loved catching up with some of you guys as well and hearing all about what you have been up to! I was so impressed!!! It just reminded me what superstars you all are! I loved hearing how some of…
Keeping in touch
Hello again Year 5
I hope you’ve all had a good week.
Over the last few days, I’ve been making phone calls to our class. I’ve enjoyed speaking to your parents and in some cases I’ve even spoken to you! It’s great to hear that you are all doing fine and are managing to continue with your…
Category: Year 5M
Department for Education Daily Phonics Lessons on YouTube
Hello Reception,
We hope you are all well and staying safe, it was lovely to speak to so many of you and your families last week, you are all working really hard and we are very proud of you!
We wanted to let you know that The Department for Education has released some daily Phonics lessons…
Category: Reception
Staying in Touch
Hello everyone,
Yet another challenging week has passed of us staying away from school but staying safe at home.
I now know you’re all doing well as I have had such an uplifting week getting in touch by making phone calls home. Although it’s made me miss you all even MORE, it has been such…
Category: Year 6J
Home learning with Ellis!
Today I was over the moon to receive an email from Ellis :) My first one :) It was so nice to find out some of the lovely things that he has been doing at home. He has been teaching his little sister to ride a bike with no stabilisers! He has been a great little chef making lots of yummy things…
Category: Year 2/3M
Year 1B letter for parents
Dear Parents/Carers,
This week's home learning is about food (week 6). There is lots of different activities this week to help keep your child busy, it would be great if you were to talk to the children about where different food comes from, the different food sources and where in the world it…
Category: Year 1D