Who did it?
Year 5 came to school this morning to find this discovery! We need to become detectives to find out who we think it could be! Maybe it is linked to the story of Macbeth! But who is Macbeth, that is the question?
Category: Year 6J
Singing Songs Around Our Campfire!
We have built a stone campfire in the garden of our new Hobbit House, we have been singing our favourite number rhymes. It was lots of fun!
Category: Reception
Well done! Great research
Category: Year 4Mc
Mental for Maths!
Y3/4S enjoyed 'Mental Maths' week, especially writing and performing a rap to help them learn their times tables. They also looked fantastic coming to school dressed in clothes with a number theme.
Category: Year 5M
A great half term!
A brilliant half term! Well done Year 3! :-)
Category: Year 4Mc
PE skittle ball
Having lots of fun playing skittle ball!
Category: Year 4Mc
Celebrating Number Week!
Reception correctly guessed the weight of the Maths cake! Well done everybody!
Category: Reception
Number Day Wake Up and Shake Up
Today all the children dressed up for our maths week.
As always a great effort. Well done everyone.
Evacuation During WW2
The children were asked to imagine they were evacuees, they had to decide what they would take with them if they were evacuated- no electronic games allowed!
Category: Year 6E
12x table rap
Rapping the 12 x tables all week! Year 6 have loved it!
Category: Year 6E
Double double, toil and trouble!
Year 5 enjoyed listening to the witches spell today. They rehearsed the spell and created some gruesome spells. Let's hope they don't work!
Category: Year 6J
This afternoon in our computing lesson we looked at programming 'bee-bot'.
Category: Year 4Mc