Music time
Category: Nursery - Mrs Butler
Creating abstract art inspired by Georgia O’Keefe
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Creating abstract art inspired by Georgia O’Keefe
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Performing the poem 'Please Mrs Butler' by Allan Ahlberg!
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Our class liturgy
Today we shared the gospel of Luke and heard about how Jesus tells to love everyone, even those who are unkind to us. We passed around a cross and a stone, sharing ideas about how we show love to everyone and why our friends are special to us.
Category: Year 2B - Mrs Birtles
Writing our own music!
Today in music we learnt about different musical notes and composed our own music before performing it to our friends!
Category: Year 2B - Mrs Birtles
Our Class Mass
Our class Mass celebrating forgiveness and friendship. Well done year 3/4 on your beautiful reading and singing. We are very proud of you all.
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Mason and Matthew led our collective worship today. In the reading from Luke’s gospel Jesus tells us ‘love God with all your heart.’ We reflected on ways that we could do this.
Category: Year 1/2S - Mrs Smith
Creating fact files about the achievements of Ancient Greece!
Category: Year 4D - Miss Dineen
Music - drawing line notes and space notes
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Exploring artefacts from Ancient Greece
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Looking for Micro-Habitats
In science we talked about what micro-habitats are and then we went to look for some in our school grounds. We found leaf litter, stones, puddles and holes in trees.
Category: Year 1/2S - Mrs Smith