Nursery News 18.7.22

Image of Nursery News 18.7.22

Here is our last Nursery News for this school year. We would like to thank you all for your amazing support this year.
With love and best wishes,,

Cath, Sarah and Catherine x

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:25 on 17 July 2022

Category: Nursery


Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Image of Giuseppe Arcimboldo

This week we heard about a special artist. His name was Giuseppe Arcimboldo and he lived 500 years ago. He painted portraits of people using fruit, vegetables, fish, flowers and even books to represent their faces. We made our own pictures using fruit and vegetables that were price reduced in the…

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:25 on 14 July 2022

Category: Nursery


Nursery News 11.7.22

Image of Nursery News 11.7.22

Here is this weeks Nursery News.

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:25 on 10 July 2022

Category: Nursery


EYFS Sport’s Day 2022

Image of EYFS Sport’s Day 2022

Today was our very first ‘Sport’s Day’ at St. Hugh’s. The rain held off and we had a great time. We loved seeing all our families who came to watch us. We had a super afternoon!

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:25 on 6 July 2022

Category: Nursery


Nursery News 4.7.22 week 4

Image of Nursery News 4.7.22 week 4

Here is this weeks Nursery News.

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:25 on 3 July 2022

Category: Nursery


Getting Ready for Reception!

Image of Getting Ready for Reception!

We have started to carry our own trays at lunch time, this is what the Reception children do. We have to walk slowly and carefully to our seats, there are plenty of grown ups ready to help us, if we need it!

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:25 on 29 June 2022

Category: Nursery


Number Recognition Fun!

Image of Number Recognition Fun!

This week have been practicing our number recognition skills. The children enjoyed doing a cut and stick car-parking activity and then used a simple car park and cars to practice with their friends.

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:25 on 27 June 2022

Category: Nursery


Nursery News 27.6.22

Image of Nursery News 27.6.22

Here is this weeks Nursery News.

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:25 on 26 June 2022

Category: Nursery


We Made Prasad

Image of We Made Prasad

Today we made Prasad, we used the recipe to check that we had the correct ingredients. We were able to  get everything ready but our teacher had to cook it on the stove. We saw that the butter melted and when all the ingredients were cooked they had changed, they didn’t look the same as they had.…

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:25 on 24 June 2022

Category: Nursery


Learning about Sikhism

Image of Learning about Sikhism

This week we have been learning about Sikhism. We have watched videos of Sikh children telling us about their family life. We found out that Sikhs are kind and they look after people, they like to share with others. We found out that they go to Gudwara, and we saw the beautiful Golden Temple in…

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:25 on 22 June 2022

Category: Nursery


Learning about Capacity - water play!

Image of Learning about Capacity - water play!

This week we have been learning about capacity. We have been playing in the water with the jugs and the cups. Our grown ups have been playing with us. We talked about how the cups were FULL, HALF FULL or EMPTY. We counted how many cups of water it took to fill the different sized jugs, some took…

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:25 on 21 June 2022

Category: Nursery


Nursery News 20th - 24th June 2022

Image of Nursery News 20th - 24th June 2022

Here is this weeks Nursery News.

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:25 on 19 June 2022

Category: Nursery