Music with Mrs Ali

Image of Music with Mrs Ali

Today we had our second music lesson with Mrs Ali.  We sang the song ‘Tony Chestnut’ and tapped out the beat with our bells.

Posted by /blog/author/rdoherty/page:34 on 30 September 2020

Category: Reception


We miss you Reception!

Image of We miss you Reception!

We are so sorry that we can’t be in school with you all this week but it won’t be long until we are all back together again. In the meantime we have put some nice activities and videos on Google Classroom to keep you busy.  (To access Google Classroom the email is your child’s surname and first…

Posted by /blog/author/rdoherty/page:34 on 24 September 2020

Category: Reception


Reception Newsletter

Please click here for the weekly newsletter /files/newsletter_march_2019.docx

Posted by /blog/author/rdoherty/page:34 on 20 September 2020

Category: Reception


First week in Reception!

Image of First week in Reception!

We have had a fantastic first week exploring our new environments.  We have all settled in really well and made lots of new friends! We have been practising our good looking, listening and sitting and our teachers are super proud of us! 

Posted by /blog/author/rdoherty/page:34 on 18 September 2020

Category: Reception


Reception Curriculum Powerpoint

Please click the link for the Powerpoint/files/reception_powerpoint.pdf

Posted by /blog/author/rdoherty/page:34 on 7 September 2020

Category: Reception


Hello Reception!

Image of Hello Reception!

Hello everyone,

This week’s story is ‘What the Ladybird Heard at the Seaside’, it is a new book by Julia Donaldson and I’m sure you will enjoy it! You can hear Mrs Doherty Reading it on the WhatsApp group or alternatively listen to it on YouTube.  All of the activities for Home Learning can be…

Posted by /blog/author/rdoherty/page:34 on 12 July 2020

Category: Reception


Hello Reception

Image of Hello Reception

Hello Reception,

We hope you are all well.  It has been lovely having some children back to school and we can’t wait to welcome you all back for a day before the summer-we are super excited about this and will be in touch soon about it.  This week’s story is ‘The Great Pet Sale’, you can hear…

Posted by /blog/author/rdoherty/page:34 on 28 June 2020

Category: Reception


Hello Reception

Image of Hello Reception

Hello everybody,

This week’s story is ‘Be More Bernard’ and you can watch Mrs Doherty reading it on the Parents WhatsApp group or listen to the author reading it on YouTube.  It is a great story which celebrates us all being different, one of the activities is to draw a picture of yourself and…

Posted by /blog/author/rdoherty/page:34 on 14 June 2020

Category: Reception


Hello to Reception

Image of Hello to Reception

Hello to all the Children and Parents/Carers in Reception,

We hope you are all well and enjoyed the half term holidays.  This week’s story is ‘Room on the Broom’ and there are lots of activities to go with the story in the Home Learning section of the website along with lots of other ideas…

Posted by /blog/author/rdoherty/page:34 on 11 June 2020

Category: Reception


Letter to Reception Parents

Image of Letter to Reception Parents

Please click here for Parents letter /files/wk9Parents.doc

Posted by /blog/author/rdoherty/page:34 on 17 May 2020

Category: Reception


A note to the Reception children

Image of A note to the Reception children

Please click here for Letter to Children /files/wk9childrennote.doc

Posted by /blog/author/rdoherty/page:34 on 17 May 2020

Category: Reception


Handa's Surprise Activities

Please click here for 'Handa's Surprise' activities /files/HOMELEARNING_handa.pptx

Posted by /blog/author/rdoherty/page:34 on 5 May 2020

Category: Reception