Quarry Bank Mill

Image of Quarry Bank Mill

Year 5 learning lots about Victorian life at Quarry Bank Mill.

Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:38 on 1 October 2017

Category: Year 5M


Pupil of the Week

Image of Pupil of the Week

Well done to Annaleyse! 

A truly noticeable and impressive improvement in attitude to her work and achievements- a great start to Year 6.

Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:38 on 29 September 2017

Category: Year 6J


This Week's Stars of the Day

Image of This Week's Stars of the Day

Well done! 

Very impressed with your achievements this week. 

Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:38 on 29 September 2017

Category: Year 6J


Quarry Bank Mill

Image of Quarry Bank Mill

Year 4/5 and Year 5 had a fantastic day at Quarry Bank Mill, learning about the dangers of working in a Mill. 

Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:38 on 29 September 2017

Category: Year 5M


Recycling Week

Image of Recycling Week

We kicked off Recycling Week with an informative assembly.

This afternoon representatives from Trafford Recycling & the Trafford Centre brought along resources to help us how to recycle effectively. 

Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:38 on 26 September 2017

Category: Year 6J


Stars of the Week

Image of Stars of the Week

Our Y6 Stars this week!! 

Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:38 on 22 September 2017

Category: Year 6J


Pupil of the Week

Image of Pupil of the Week

Well done, Anya. Our Pupil of the Week- for a BRILLIANT IMPROVEMENT to the year- especially when answering lots of questions.

Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:38 on 22 September 2017

Category: Year 6J


St Anthony's Business Enterprise Morning

Image of St Anthony's Business Enterprise Morning

A very resourceful morning designing, planning, producing and marketing a product for Christmas - the St Anthony's Bee decoration. 

Lots of skills developed and many potential,budding entrepreneurs in the future. 

Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:38 on 22 September 2017

Category: Year 6J


Sports Afternoon at South Trafford College

Image of Sports Afternoon at South Trafford College

Today we were invited to take part in a sports activity afternoon, organised and delivered by the student coaches at South Trafford College. There were many opportunities to work as a team- especially passing through the hoop activity- and develop our fitness. 

We had a great time and are…

Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:38 on 19 September 2017

Category: Year 6J


Pupil of the Week

Image of Pupil of the Week

Well done, Callum.

Our first Pupil of the Week for an excellent improvement in his Mathematical understanding of Rounding numbers.

You persevered and a role model to others! 

Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:38 on 15 September 2017

Category: Year 6J


Year 6 Meet their Reception Buddies

Image of Year 6 Meet their Reception Buddies

Y6 have had a play date with their buddies. 

What great role models they are! 

Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:38 on 15 September 2017

Category: Year 6J


Circuit Training

Image of Circuit Training

Our first Circuit Training session- designed by 6E.

it certainly increased our heart rates ❤️ 

Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:38 on 12 September 2017

Category: Year 6J