Reception Parents Letter 13th May

Good Morning 

We hope you are all staying safe and well.  We hope you have enjoyed this week’s learning all about Goldilocks And The Three Bears, the photographs of some super work have been wonderful to see! Well done!
We hope you have found the additional home learning posted on the school…

Category: Reception


Goldilocks And The Three Bears Activities

Image of Goldilocks And The Three Bears Activities

Hello Everyone,

Here is this weeks home learning journey, all activities are focused on this week’s story Goldilocks and The Three Bears. 
There is some additional home learning on the home learning section of the school website. 
Please do not feel under any pressure to complete all of the…

Category: Reception


Handa's Surprise Activities

Please click here for 'Handa's Surprise' activities /files/HOMELEARNING_handa.pptx

Category: Reception


Reception Parents’ Letter

Image of Reception Parents’ Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

We hope you are all safe and doing well.  This week’s learning is all around the story ‘Handa’s Surprise, the children can hear me reading this to them on the WhatsApp group or they can watch a video of this story on You Tube.  There are activities linked to this story…

Category: Reception


Hello Reception!

Image of Hello Reception!

Hello Reception,

Hope you are all well and having a good week.  This week’s learning is all around the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’ which you can hear me read to you on the WhatsApp group or you can watch a video of the story on YouTube. I have thought of lots of activities for you to get busy with…

Category: Reception


Rhyming Rabbit Springtime Activities

Image of Rhyming Rabbit Springtime Activities

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are well, here are this weeks activities linked to our shared story.  As always please do not feel under any pressure to complete these, you may pick and choose which you think your child will enjoy or you may wish to choose some of your own!

Good luck 

I hope…

Category: Reception


Booktrust Pyjamarama Friday 1st May

Image of Booktrust Pyjamarama Friday 1st May

Hello Everyone,

We wanted to let you all know about a fantastic day coming up on Friday 1st May! 

To celebrate the bedtime story and reading together, this year's Pyjamarama will be a day when you and your family can join in a festival of story-filled fun at home.

There'll be loads of…

Category: Reception


Keeping In Touch With Reception

Image of Keeping In Touch With Reception

Hello Everyone,

We hope you are staying safe and well, it was so lovely to speak to so many of you and your families last week and hear how fabulously hard you are all working. Well done to each and everyone of you!

We miss you all and cannot wait until we see you all again back in school,…

Category: Reception


Department for Education Daily Phonics Lessons on YouTube

Image of Department for Education Daily Phonics Lessons on YouTube

Hello Reception,

We hope you are all well and staying safe, it was lovely to speak to so many of you and your families last week, you are all working really hard and we are very proud of you!

We wanted to let you know that The Department for Education has released some daily Phonics lessons…

Category: Reception


A note to the children

Image of A note to the children

Hello children,

We hope you are all ok and enjoying your time at home and the lovely sunshine.  I have been helping Nora and Liam with their school work and we have had the paddling pool out too which has been fun!   This week’s story is ‘Kitchen Disco’ read by Mrs Doherty and there are some…

Category: Reception


Kitchen Disco activities

Click here for Kitchen Disco activities/files/HOMELEARNING_kitdisco.pptx

Category: Reception


Letter to Reception Parents

Image of Letter to Reception Parents

Dear Parents/Carers,

We hope you are all well and managing to juggle everything at home!  Thank you for all the lovely feedback about the stories on WhatsApp, we are actually really enjoying doing them for the children.  This week the story is ‘Kitchen Disco’ there are some ideas for activities…

Category: Reception