Star of the Week

Image of Star of the Week

Well done Blake! You have worked so hard in all your work and have such a good attitude to learning. Brilliant! 

Category: Year 4/5D


Children’s Liturgy

Image of Children’s Liturgy

This afternoon we had a beautiful Liturgy led by Titus and Joshua on the topic of ‘Coronavirus in the world’. It was ended with one of my favourite hymns too. What a great end to the week. Thank you boys.  

Category: Year 4/5D


Dancing raisins!

Image of Dancing raisins!

You could probably hear the squeals of excitement for miles as the raisins started to dance away in the lemonade! 
We investigated how the gas particles in the lemonade attached themselves to the raisin ‘like a jacket’ and made them ‘dance’. We compared this to putting raisins in water, where…

Category: Year 4/5D


Solid, liquid or gas?

Image of Solid, liquid or gas?

We had a brilliant discussion this afternoon about which items are solids, liquids or gases. We found lots of things were very ambiguous - especially lemonade, squirty cream and An ice cube!! 

I think we will carry this discussion on for many days! 

Well done Year…

Category: Year 4/5D


Computing - We are developers!

Image of Computing - We are developers!

Over the next few weeks, we are going to develop our own times tables game! Today we did some research on the type of tables games we like. We also discussed what an algorithm is and we did our very own! Watch this space! 

Category: Year 4/5D


Star of the Week

Image of Star of the Week

Fantastic work and attitude to learning Titus. You really deserve to be the Star of the Week. ⭐️

Category: Year 4/5D


Our First Class Picture!

Image of Our First Class Picture!

Welcome to Year 4 my fantastic class!

Category: Year 4/5D


Star of the Week

Image of Star of the Week

Fantastic writing from Niamh. Well done ✏️

Category: Year 4/5D


Children’s Liturgy

Image of Children’s Liturgy

We had the most beautiful Liturgy today led by Cole and Isaac. It was about peace (As it’s International Day of peace on Monday).  Thank you so much boys. It was just what we needed to reflect and think about current times and our world. 

Category: Year 4/5D


We are developers!

Image of We are developers!

Today in our computing lesson, we researched educational games on the internet. We discussed which we websites we enjoyed playing on, the type of games we like playing and what we would like to work on and develop for our very own maths game. Well done Year 4, we have lots of budding…

Category: Year 4/5D


Children’s Liturgy

Image of Children’s Liturgy

A huge WELL DONE goes to Ava and Joanna for their lovely liturgy this afternoon. They chose the subject of ‘Love, faith and hope’. Just beautiful, very reflective. Thank you girls :-) 

Category: Year 4/5D


DANCE ~ Water, water everywhere!

Image of DANCE ~ Water, water everywhere!

This afternoon we started our Dance unit all about water! In our groups we made up a UNISON and a CANON routine (two new words for us!) and everyone worked really hard, and had a good time too in the process! Well done Year 4 - we will be on BGT before we know it! :-)

Category: Year 4/5D