States of Matter

Image of States of Matter

Today we moved around the playground showing how the particles would move in a solid, gas and liquid. Can you remember which picture represents which state? 

Category: Year 4/5D


Star of The Week

Image of Star of The Week

WOW! What an amazing week Ellis! Not only did you come to school ready to work hard but you have also shown me what a kind friend you are. Well done

Category: Year 4/5D


Revising Continents

Image of Revising Continents

Fantastic work on researching continents and making them with play doh.  Messy but most importantly helping us identify continent shapes and which countries belong in each continent! 

Category: Year 4/5D


First Day Back Year 4

Image of First Day Back Year 4

Working together in partners, Year 4 children had a great time solving the STEM challenge! Mrs Atherton and Mrs Barlow loved listening to and watching the children work together so well! 

Category: Year 4/5D


Happy Days!

Image of Happy Days!

Category: Year 4/5D


See you soon!

Image of See you soon!

Hi Everyone,


Looking forward to seeing and chatting with you all on Wednesday. I am sure you will have lots to tell Mrs Jackson, Mrs Barlow and myself about what you have been up to. I can’t wait to see how much you’ve grown, I wonder if you are nearly taller than me now. I saw Patrick in…

Category: Year 4/5D


Hello Year 4/5!

Image of Hello Year 4/5!


Hope you are all well. I can barely contain my excitement that we can all come back together on the 15th July! We really did hope school life would be more back to normal by now. But at the moment it’s a huge bonus that we can come back together for one day. We will have the best day!…

Category: Year 4/5D


Hello Year 4/5

Image of Hello Year 4/5

Hi everyone

Hope you and your family are all well.

These weeks seem to be going super quick and I can’t quite believe that we are about to start July.

The weather was scorching last week and although I love sunny days, I must admit that I was glad that it cooled down. Flo and Isabel, my…

Category: Year 4/5D


Hello Year 4/5

Image of Hello Year 4/5


I hope you and your families are all doing well. I’ve seen a few of you in school this week which has been nice. We’ve spoken lots about our class and how we wish things were different. September will soon be here, and we can all continue our journey together - with some children being…

Category: Year 4/5D


Hello Year 4/5s it’s World Ocean Day

Image of Hello Year 4/5s it’s World Ocean Day

Hello Everyone


How are you? I’m hoping you all are well and keeping safe. I posting this blog a little earlier this week because I wanted to let you know about a special day coming up!

Did you know that this week it is World Ocean Day on Monday 8th June?

World Oceans Day is…

Category: Year 4/5D


Hello Year 4/5

Image of Hello Year 4/5

Hello Children, hope you are all ok and are still looking after your families and people at home. How are you all feeling? Today I’ve woken up to rain! Wow - where is the sun? My children were amazed, like they’ve never seen rain before!

So today we are having a chilled out Disney film day.…

Category: Year 4/5D


How are you getting on?

Image of How are you getting on?

Hello everyone 

How are you getting on? As I write this blog, I am sitting in my kitchen thinking of you all, wondering how you are getting on in this very strange time. 

This week Mrs Jackson and myself will be phoning you and your families, and I am really looking forward to hear what you…

Category: Year 4/5D