Hello again :-)

Image of Hello again :-)

Hello Children,

I hope you’re all well and enjoying your time at home. I must admit, I’ve been a bit fed up the last few days. But I’ve had to remind myself that it’s normal to feel mixed emotions! It’s a bit of an emotional rollercoaster isn’t it! I went for a walk this morning and I feel much…

Category: Year 4/5D


Hello Year 4/5 (part2)

Image of Hello Year 4/5 (part2)

We have been really lucky with the weather so far, so I’ve been taking Flo and Isabel for lots of walks as part of my daily exercise. 

On the subject of Flo, I have had to bath her this week, there was shampoo and water everywhere! Flo is a long haired dog  so she needs to have a hair cut quite…

Category: Year 4/5D


Hello Year 4/5

Image of Hello Year 4/5

Hello everyone

How is it going? It’s been 7 weeks now and I bet you’ve all got taller since I last saw you. 

I was in school on Friday and went in to our classroom, it was so weird without you there but I know you all are well at home. It was lovely phoning around and speaking to you and…

Category: Year 4/5D


Hello from Mrs Barlow

Image of Hello from Mrs Barlow

Hi Everyone

How are you all?  Hope you all ok at this very strange time. 

I wanted to drop you a note to say ‘Hello’ and hope that you have all been making the most of the time to read, practise your times-tables, help your parents, or learn a new skill. I hope you are all looking at the…

Category: Year 4/5D


Hello Again Yr 4/5

Image of Hello Again Yr 4/5


Hope you and your families are all well. It was lovely to speak to a few of you this week and hopefully I’ll get to speak to more of you over the next few weeks. I hope you’ve all been enjoying the lovely weather. It’s been wonderful hasn’t it. We’ve been trying to get outside as much as…

Category: Year 4/5D


Hello Year 4/5s

Image of Hello Year 4/5s

Hello Year 4/5s,


How are you? I can’t quite believe that we haven’t been at school for nearly a month. It seems so strange not to be all together in our classroom.

Last week my family celebrated Molly’s birthday. She was really not looking forward to a birthday during this time as she…

Category: Year 4/5D


Happy Easter Year 4/5

Image of Happy Easter Year 4/5

Dear Children, Happy Easter!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Wasn’t it strange not being in school for Holy Week and celebrating in Church? I really missed the Year 3/4 Easter production! It’s always my favourite part of the school calendar. I’m hoping Mr Smith will let us sing some songs…

Category: Year 4/5D


Hello again Year 4/5s

Image of Hello again Year 4/5s

Continued ...

bake Molly a birthday cake. Wish me luck, as I'm not known to be the most talented baker! It usually ends up being a disaster!

I would like to wish all the children who recently had a birthday or whose birthday is coming up in April, a very happy birthday. Enjoy your…

Category: Year 4/5D


Hello Year 4/5s!

Image of Hello Year 4/5s!

Hello to my Year 4/5s

I hope you and your family are well. I know you must be feeling a little fed up not being allowed to do your normal routines but I want to reassure you that everyone feels this way too! However what might help if you haven’t done so already would be to organise and…

Category: Year 4/5D


St Patrick's Day Liturgy

Image of St Patrick's Day Liturgy

Patrick, Joel and Luke with the help of beautiful dancing from Alannah reflected on the work of St Patrick and why we celebrate his feast day.

Category: Year 4/5D


Music with Mrs Ali

Image of Music with Mrs Ali

Brilliant singing to start and then gaining more knowledge about composers throughout time. Children could identify the different eras and some famous composers such as Bach, Mozart and Tchaikovsky. 

Category: Year 4/5D


ICT and Maths

Image of ICT and Maths

Today we combined ICT and Maths. We made different shapes and named the angles on the Geoboard App. 

Category: Year 4/5D