Another visit from the police!
We enjoyed another visit from the police today. We have learnt what Anti- Social Behaviour is, this prompted lots of interesting discussion.
Category: Year 6E
Finding Averages
Year 6 have been collecting data and finding averages. We tried to throw and catch a ball as many times as we could in one minute. We collected this data and worked out the average number of times a child, in our class,could do this in one minute.
Category: Year 6E
A Visit from the Fire Service
Category: Year 6E
Holes by Louis Sachar
This half term we are reading Holes by Louis Sachar, the children are really enjoying this fantastic story. You could read along with us at home...we are up to chapter 14!
Category: Year 6E
Judo Assembly
The children attended a very exciting Judo Assembly today!
Category: Year 6E
A Visit from the Police!
We had an interesting chat with the Police Community Support Officers toady. The children listened carefully and learnt a great deal about keeping safe on the streets and how to sensibly use mobile phones to avoid street robberies.
Category: Year 6E
The Newsroom
We have been busily writing reports on the Titanic disaster today. We have been listening to eyewitness accounts and finding out about this doomed ship over the last few weeks.
Category: Year 6E
Gaelic Football
Gaelic football starts again for year 6 this term!
Category: Year 6E
Health Related Fitness
Year 6 were working hard in circuit training today - well done children!
Category: Year 6E
Our Class Mass
Well done Year 6 - an excellent class mass, lovely singing and fantastic readers!
Category: Year 6E
Silver Trail
An amazing effort from Year 6 : 38 metres of 5ps!! Wow!!!
Category: Year 6E
Using the visible spectrum to make white light!
Creating white light with Mr Broomhead.
Category: Year 6E