Veronica Evans- A visit from an evacuee
Year 6 had an amazing visitor today, we listened to Jessica's Great Grandma, who was evacuated during World War II, tell us all about her experiences in the war.
Category: Year 6E
Investigating Volume
Year 6 were investigating different cuboids with the same volume in maths today.
Category: Year 6E
Year 6 have been out and about learning the rules of the road today!
Category: Year 6E
Science in the Dark
Year 6 really enjoyed their science lesson with Mr. Broomhead today, they were investigating shadows.
Category: Year 6E
The Fight Scene from Romeo and Juliet
Year 6 have been performing the part in the play of Romeo and Juliet where it all goes horribly wrong. This has really developed their understanding.
Category: Year 6E
Ordering negative numbers
Year 6 were straight back to work today ordering negative numbers including decimals! Great work children.
Category: Year 6E
A Very Active Science Lesson!
Year 6 carried out an exhausting science experiment with Mr Broomhead this week. They measured their pulse rates before and after exercise and recorded the results.
Category: Year 6E
A visit to St Antony's
We had a great time at St Antony's yesterday. We learnt about British Values and democracy. We even had lunch in the school canteen.
Category: Year 6E
Blitz Artwork
A messy but productive afternoon in year 6, watch this space for the finished product!
Category: Year 6E
Anne Frank Assembly
Year 6 told the story of Anne Frank in their assembly, it was very moving! Well done Children!
Category: Year 6E
Converting units of measurement
Year 6 were busy measuring and converting everything in sight today!
Category: Year 6E
Times tables challenge!
Every Wednesday the children will do a 'Times table challenge', they must improve their score and time each week, your child will bring home their results on a Wednesday evening, please practise with them at home, they really enjoy beating the clock and their score!
Category: Year 6E