Goodbye Year 6

Image of Goodbye Year 6

Year 6,

What a great day we’ve had!It was so good to see you all. Our school was full of laughter, happiness and smiling faces once again.Today made me realise how much I’ve missed you all, and how much you’ve missed- but you handled it beautifully, you didn’t moan or whine about everything…

Category: Year 6E


Hello Year 6E

Image of Hello Year 6E

Hello 6E,

Hope you are all keeping well. I’m really looking forward to Monday 13th July, when we can finally be a class again. The weather forecast looks good so far..... great for slip and slide!

On the morning of the 13th we are going to share some memories together. Those children who…

Category: Year 6E


Hello Again

Image of Hello Again

Hello everyone,

I’m feeling positive this week, things feel like they are looking up. I am delighted to have some of my class back. Last week, Oliva G, Olivia S, Kate, Scarlett and Amelia all came back for two days, followed by Bella, Sienna, Daniel, Lucy and Ciaran on Thursday and Friday- it…

Category: Year 6E


Bubbles in our Bubbles

Image of Bubbles in our Bubbles

Fantastic to be reunited with some of my lovely Year Sixes!

Category: Year 6E


Home Learning Resources

Image of Home Learning Resources

Hello Y6, 

Hope you have had a safe week with your families and are beginning to appreciate some of the new the Lockdown rules. By now, hopefully you are back into your home learning routines and are well on your way with the completion of the planning for week 10. 

The staff at school…

Category: Year 6E


Alex has been busy!

Image of Alex has been busy!

Well done to Alex, the latest person to run 5k and donate to the NHS- he actually ran further- Go Alex, what a star! He’s also been watching caterpillars turn into butterflies too- a great way to learn about life cycles. Keep up the good work Alex - well done!

Category: Year 6E


Go Big Year6

Image of Go Big Year6


Hello Year 6, 

I hope you are enjoying a break from home learning and having fun in the sun. I bet you’ve had your paddling pools out too? 

I know some of you will have missed holidays away this week or last. I did too, we felt a bit fed up and disappointed but the good weather here has…

Category: Year 6E


School Opening Letter

Please click here for a letter from Mr Mountcastle

Category: Year 6E


Hello again Year 6E

Image of Hello again Year 6E


Hello 6E,

Hope you are all well. Can’t believe another half term is now coming to an end. This week should’ve been our residential. That makes me feel really sad, but we must try and stay positive and think about all the good things about our current situation. I know this can be hard at…

Category: Year 6E


Go Semi Ray!

Image of Go Semi Ray!

Well done Semi Ray- what a super star! I’m so proud of you.5k- boom!

Category: Year 6E


SATs week

Image of SATs week

To all my Year Sixes,

As SATs week arrives it is not quite the same,

The tests that were printed this year never came,

The displays are still up, walls full of maths rules,

But year 6 is very different this year in schools.


For some of you, happiness and lots of relief,


Category: Year 6E


Hello from Mrs. Stanley

Image of Hello from Mrs. Stanley

Hello Y6E,

Just a little snippet from the Stanley house. In addition to almost completing the the entire series of the Noughts and Crosses books (as Mrs. Evans said, reading is the most important thing of all) Olivia has been dying her hair! After 7 weeks of begging to have it done, it’s done!…

Category: Year 6E