Our Welcome Class Liturgy

Image of Our Welcome Class Liturgy

Emily and Ruby produced a thought-provoking  Welcome Class Liturgy to show how welcoming St Hugh’s is to our newest pupil. 

Category: Year 6J


Spanish: Months of the Year

Image of Spanish: Months of the Year

Category: Year 6J


First ‘Pupil of the Week’

Image of First ‘Pupil of the Week’

Well done, Owen! 

Our FIRST Pupil of the Week this year. 

For being the ONLY person to notice Mrs Jones’s ‘deliberate’??? mistake on the Maths display! 

Category: Year 6J


Spelling Partners

Image of Spelling Partners

So very proud of how Y5/6  have so efficiently taken on their new Spelling Partner routine. 

We all now have our very own personalised list to learn each week. 


Category: Year 6J


New Beginnings Class Liturgy

Image of New Beginnings Class Liturgy

A wonderful first Class Liturgy on New Beginnings led by some of our Caritas representatives. 

A lovely, reflective way to end our first whole week back after returning to school. 

Category: Year 6J


Science:The Linnaean Classification System

Image of Science:The Linnaean Classification System

Category: Year 6J


Growing Spiritually

Image of Growing Spiritually

Lily has planted Father Ged’s daffodil to represent how we will nurture our spiritual growth this year. 
Well done, Lilly!

Category: Year 6J


Geography: World Climate Zones

Image of Geography: World Climate Zones

Brilliant partner work in Geography today to decipher the different climate zones from a range of evidence types. 

Category: Year 6J


Back in school: COMPUTING

Image of Back in school: COMPUTING

SO VERY WONDERFUL to be back in school and working on our South America Google Slides presentations.

You wouldn’t think this was the first time we had used ‘Slides’. 

So proud of everyone using their Google Classroom Logins on the Chrome Books that they were so familiar with after Home…

Category: Year 6J


Nearly There 6J

Image of Nearly There 6J

Hello 6J, 

Don’t give up now...we’re NEARLY THERE!.

The days seem to be passing very quickly for those of us who have been in school and I cannot believe this is our penultimate week of a year none of us could have possibly have imagined. 

I hope your ‘Virtual Sports Day’ has been going…

Category: Year 6J


Missing my Stars

Image of Missing my Stars

Hello my gorgeous lovelies,

This week has gone so quickly, probably because I am back with many of you now. The children in school have REALLY impressed me. As we have made our way through some of the Home Learning schedules the amount of facts and knowledge they have retained has been…

Category: Year 6J


Always Together

Image of Always Together

Hello everyone,

It’s been an interesting week for everyone. Some of us have been reunited and are back at school. The first days were strange as everybody was so quiet, we even had to put some background music on while we were working as we are so used to more voices in the classroom. However,…

Category: Year 6J