Creating our prehistoric art
Bobby Shaftoe on the recorder.
Y6E continue to impress me with their recorder skills.
Category: Year 6E
Lizard Descriptions
We have been looking at how we can describe lizards:
ready for integrating our descriptions into a story and in preparation for our non-chronological reports.
Category: Year 6J
Author of the month!
It was lovely to listen to our reading ambassador Jeremiah tell us all about Tom Percival who is our author of the month.
I’m looking forward to reading ‘The Invisible’ the book we have chosen as a whole school book for World Book Day.
Thank you…
Category: Year 3K
Music with Mrs Ali
The best way to start the day with our music lesson with Mrs Ali.
Category: Year 3K
Design Technology
This term we will be learning about British Inventors in DT. Today we were investigating the invention of the telephone.
Category: Year 4Mc
Mastering Division
We have been working hard mastering division. Today we looked at dividing using the part-whole method. The pupils really enjoyed using the part-whole model to develop their understanding of division.
Category: Year 4Mc
Investigating reversible and irreversible changes!
In science, the children carried out an investigation into whether changes were reversible or irreversible. They melted and cooled chocolate and ice cubes, dissolved tablets in water and created some messy explosions mixing vinegar and baking soda!!
Category: Year 4/5D
Twos day fun !
We love to play!
Category: Reception
Twosday Challenge!
We worked together in pairs using our maths skills to successfully complete the puzzle challenges! Amazing teamwork year 3.
Category: Year 4Mc
2's Day!
Happy 2's Day! The kids learnt all about palindromes, doubled numbers using short multiplication, answered multiplication and division facts to figure out the correct colour for they pirate-themed mosaic and carried out a 2's day crossword puzzle! Check out the kids in action and some of their fab…
Category: Year 4/5D